Chapter 46: Ribbon-cutting ficlet
Daisy Gardner tells an Elf to get off her lawn. Rated General. Ficlet.
Daisy put her hands on her hips. It was an absolute riddle why an Elf of all people would wander into the Shire, well after everyone knew all of them had gone West. But here one stood in the midst of the sunlit lawns of the outskirts of Hobbiton. “Is there something I can help you with?”
He looked down at her. “No, I’m merely passing through.”
“Good. The Big People are supposed to stay out of the Shire and that includes yourself.”
“My pardon. I’m merely heading West and this was the road I was told to take.”
“Be on your way, then.”
He bowed his dark head and moved to the opposite side of the path, continuing his journey to wherever Elves ended up.
Chapter End Notes
This was written for the Ribbon-cutting event on the SWG Discord to celebrate the new site's opening. I completely forgot about it until now.
The prompts were: daisy, riddle, sunlit, lawns.
With thanks to Grundy for a description that makes for a great summary.
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