Chapter 47: SWG Olympics fic
Estel, Elrond, and drowned Gondolin. Rated General. Ficlet.
This was written for the Boccia team challenge; Daughterofshadows of Team Rivendell gave me the surprise prompt of Aragorn asking to visit Gondolin.
"And that’s how Tuor came to Gondolin,” Elrond said, rolling up the map Glorfindel had made as a teaching aid yéni ago.
Estel frowned. “And then eventually the Balrogs came and Glorfindel died. But he came back. Could Gondolin ever come back?”
Elrond bit back a smile and grabbed another map, this time of the few places from the drowned land that were above water marked out in red ink. “No, the War of Wrath destroyed rather a lot of Beleriand.”
“Could someone swim down to it?”
Elrond didn’t bother to hide his smile this time. “It’s too deep. Maybe someone will invent a way to reach it.”
“I will!” Estel said. “I’m going to figure out how right now.” He slid off the stool and ran toward the door, though he thankfully had not lost all of his manners in his enthusiasm and shut the door properly behind him.
Elrond chuckled and rolled up the Beleriand map and put both of them away. Gilraen would undoubtably talk to him sooner or later about Estel’s latest idea, but unlike the time when he’d thought it would be a grand adventure to hunt for trolls in the dead of night and snuck out of his bed, she would be amused by it.
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