Trinkets by Independence1776

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Chapter 18

Makalaurë tells his mother about the house he bought. For Idleleaves for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Nerdanel placed a hand on Makalaurë’s shoulder. “I appreciate your telling me, my son. But don’t you think you should have waited until after the wedding to buy a house?”

Makalaurë shook his head. “Better that it is ready to move into than live here for however long it would take.” He grimaced. “I do not think anyone would appreciate that.”

Nerdanel laughed. “Especially your younger brothers. Now, are you going to show me the house?”

Makalaurë gestured out of the window at the carriage waiting by the road. “Of course.”

Nerdanel kissed her son on the cheek and went to get her wrap and shoes.

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