Chapter 20
Maglor, Elrond, and growing up. For Kaz for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.
Elrond shook his hair out of his eyes and looked at Maglor. “How was that?”
“Much better.” He paused. “I think it’s time you had a haircut. I know your brother needs one.” He looked around the clearing. “Where is he, by the way?”
Elrond shrugged and sheathed his sword. “Hiding from Maedhros and his scissors.”
Maglor laughed. “Really?”
Elrond shook his head. “He’s with one of the twins down the road. She said something about a new bow.”
“Ah. That would do it.” Maglor looped an arm around Elrond’s shoulders. “Do you wish for a haircut?”
“I like my hair longer. I think I’ll grow it out.”
Maglor nodded and let his adopted son go. They were growing up: Elros’ interest in girls and Elrond’s wish for an adult hairstyle… They’d soon have to return to Gil-galad and his people. But that time was not now; they could put off breaking apart their family (again) for a little while longer.
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