Trinkets by Independence1776

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Chapter 19

Míriel and Indis in bed in the morning. For Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated ADULT for moderate sexuality.

Míriel rolled over in bed, rustling the sheets, and looked at Indis, the dim golden light filtering through the sheer curtains dappling her face. She lightly kissed Indis’ cheek and her eyes fluttered open. “What is it?” she mumbled.

Míriel smiled and brushed a hand against Indis’ cheek. “You are beautiful.”

Indis smiled sleepily up at her. “You woke me up to tell me this?”

“Of course I did.” She leaned over and kissed Indis’ lips. “You’ve done it to me often enough.”

Indis chuckled and slid her hand over Míriel’s breast. Míriel gasped and Indis grinned wickedly. “I may as well return the favor, then.”

Morning love had never been so sweet.

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