A Vanyarin adolescent’s belief differs from her parents’. Written for Legendarium Ladies April. Double drabble. Rated General.
“Ára, come on!”
Her twin younger brothers raced up the stairs to the bridge, despite their parents’ scolding, but Árasurë stayed on the landing, looking at the short waterfall. It fell into the greenery-lined pool from the stream that ran by the shrine just a little further up Taniquetil that their parents brought them to once a year, to give thanks to the Valar for bringing the Elves out of the darkness of the Outer Lands. Despite the winding stairs it took to reach the landing and bridge, this was her favorite part of the journey.
It made more sense to thank the Valar here than in the dark shrine. Here was Manwë’s air, Varda’s light, Yavanna’s plants, Ulmo’s water, Aulë’s stone, Nessa’s deer, Oromë’s trees, and hints of the other Valar as well.
Yet her parents seemed determined to rush by it. They were so concerned with being Proper Vanyar that they missed the point. When she had children of her own, she’d teach them otherwise: that the Valar weren’t remote beings to be admired from a distance, but as living beings with their own delights. And what better way to thank them than by appreciating what they loved?
Chapter End Notes
While this perfectly fits the beliefs prompt, it was actually inspired by the April 16 picture prompt.
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