Míriel/Indis epistolary ficlet
What it says on the tin. Set in the early Second Age. Written for Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2014. Ficlet. Rated General.
Dearest Indis,
I anticipate your return at the end of spring. I know Lalwen is as well. I have enjoyed getting to know your daughter during her visit here; she is a wickedly intelligent ruler and her penchant for pranks has left me wary to enter my chambers on more than one occasion.
I wish our schedules has left us more time to write each other. Little notes are not enough.
I miss you, dear one. I miss waking up next to you in the quiet mornings. I miss our late night conversations and our walks in Tirion’s gardens and fields. I miss our dinners together and dancing under the stars. I miss simply being with you. It is that I look forward to most when you come home.
With all my love,
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