Avarin femslash
Written for Elleth for Fandom_stocking 2015. Ficlet. Rated General.
Aiwê leaned against her betrothed and looked at the stars. “Do you ever wonder what became of those who left?”
“Sometimes.” She turned her head and kissed Aiwê on the lips. “But they deserted us and our task to heal this world. Why should I give them more than a few moments’ thought?”
“Curiosity, I suppose, as to how they live in a world of constant light and no dangers. It seems rather dull to me.”
“Well, our lives here certainly aren’t dull. If Mother has her way, all the villages from here to the sea will be invited to our wedding.”
“Mmmm. Don’t remind me. Are you sure you don’t want to sneak away to another village and find a priestess to marry us there?”
“Very. Your sister would be disappointed she couldn’t perform the ceremony.”
“We could drag her with us.”
“I don’t think we’d need to drag her.”
Aiwê laughed. “Probably not.” She looked at the position of the Great Bear hanging in the sky. “It’s late; we should return home.”
“Probably.” But they made no movement to leave.
Chapter End Notes
Thanks to Elleth for help with one of the names.
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