Trinkets by Independence1776

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Míriel/Indis, post-Darkening. Written for the 2014 International Day of Femslash. Drabble. Rated General.

Indis smiled as she watched Míriel walking up the same path Finwë had traveled so many years ago, her white dress’ silver embroidery flashing in the early morning sunlight.

Some whispered Indis was cursed, to be so continuously tied up in the strange situation. Some whispered she was simply unlucky or contended the curse was merely an over-invested heart.

Indis knew better. It was no curse to love and to be loved in return.

She stepped away from the white marble portico and met Míriel on the gravel path, gently brushing Míriel’s lips with a kiss. “Welcome home, my dear.”

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