Elrond and Elros attempt to bake a cake for Maedhros. Ficlet. Rated General.
This was written for Idle Leaves for Fandom_Stocking 2011.
It was hard, trying not to laugh. Maedhros had left the kitchen rather than keep his face straight. But he was their foster father; he couldn’t.
Elrond and Elros were covered-- absolutely covered-- in flour. Far more than them trying to make, well, whatever it was. There was no evidence to suggest they’d reached the ready-to-bake stage. Rather, it looked as if they’d managed to dump the entire container of flour over their heads. And the floor. And every surface surrounding them. “Well?” he said, leaning in the doorway and crossing his arms.
The twins looked at each other and Elros timidly said, “It’s Uncle Maedhros’ begetting day, and--”
Maglor uncrossed his arms, finally letting his amusement show on his face. “And you decided to gift him with two life-size cakes, is that it?”
Elrond laughed first. “If we clean up, will you help us make another one?”
Maglor grinned. “Of course I will.”
Maedhros declared it was one of the best cakes he’d ever eaten.
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