Míriel and Indis go on a picnic, and Míriel fails to catch a fish. Double drabble. Rated Teens for mild sexuality.
Written for Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2011.
Indis reached the blanket in the clearing near the brook where Míriel had arranged a picnic, but her lover was nowhere to be seen. Heard, yes, but not seen. Indis sank onto the soft yellow and white quilt and picked up one of the sandwiches. She’d eaten half of it when Míriel appeared from the trees, hair and dress soaking wet.
“Did you fall in?” Indis called out to her, not taking her eyes off the way Míriel moved with the sky blue dress clinging to her.
“I was trying to catch a fish.”
Indis cracked up laughing and managed to drop her sandwich in the grass. Let the ants have it. Míriel's shoulders-- and breasts-- shook with her own laughter. “Why a fish?”
Míriel shrugged and sat down on the quilt. “I wanted to see if I could do it by hand.”
“Oh, Míriel--”
Míriel leaned over and stole a kiss before grabbing a plate of food for herself. After they’d eaten-- and moved the quilt to avoid the ants-- Míriel reached out a hand and softly ran her fingers down Indis’ face and neck, hand lingering at her dress’ neckline. Indis smiled and undid the first button herself.
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