Elrond and Elros have a snowball fight. Ficlet. Rated General.
Written for Carabas for Fandom_Stocking 2012.
Elrond woke up when Elros shook his shoulder and pointed at the window. “Look, frost!”
Elrond grimaced, but knew that remaining under the thick, warm bedcovers was pointless. “Wipe it away; see how much snow fell after we went to bed.”
Elros did so, and shrieked. He bit it off and glanced sheepishly at Elrond. He whispered, “Do you think we woke him?”
Elrond sat up, crawled over to the thick-glassed window, and peered out at the white landscape. Snow. A lot of snow. “I doubt we’ll be able to sneak out past Maglor even if you hadn’t shrieked.” He grinned. “Let’s try anyway.”
They scrambled into their warmest clothing and crept down the ladder from their loft. They avoided the squeaky floorboard and Elros carefully unlatched the lock. “Come on.”
Elrond glanced at Maglor’s closed bedroom door and slipped outside, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him. When he turned around, he received a faceful of snow. He sputtered, wiped it from his eyes, and then ran after his brother. When he caught up with Elros, he tackled him and it was only after a wrestling match that they both simultaneously realized how much noise they’d made. Especially when they glanced guiltily at the cabin that now had smoke coming from its chimney. The door opened and Maglor stuck his head out. “Breakfast will be ready shortly. You may stay outside until then.”
He shut the door firmly behind him-- Maglor hated the cold-- and Elrond and Elros looked at each other before scrambling to their feet and continuing their snowball fight.
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