Gnome Tome

October 2021 SWG Challenge Banner - features a garden gnome wearing glasses reading a book and the text "The Gnome Tome - SWG Challenge - Oct 15 - Nov 20"

This month's challenge considers The Nature of Middle-earth. How serious or light-hearted that consideration may be is up to you! We have provided a prompt generator stocked with quotes and concepts from the new book. (We do not know how many times you "roll" the prompt generator, so if you get a dud on your first roll, feel free to roll again … and again … and again … till you get a prompt you like.)

If you don't have access to the book, no worries! While you can use a prompt to create a fanwork that reflects on the book, responses do not have to connect to The Nature of Middle-earth at all; prompts simply come from the book. (In fact, we've intentionally included a number that can be interpreted multiple ways!) As always, you can use the prompts however you want.


Gnome Tome Prompt Generator


This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with Gnome Tome

This is a Artwork fanwork

Gnome Tome Linguistics Meme by Artano

A meme created for the prompt: ''It is false to make Dwarves [?uncreative] or poor linguists.'' for the Gnome Tome and Jubilee challenges

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This is a Writing fanwork

Sing before you can speak by Aprilertuile

Maitimo held his baby brother in his arms, and was surprised when the baby started to emit a melodious sound. 

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The Dawn of a New Era by Varda delle Stelle

At the beginning of the Fourth Era in Aman Maedhros and Fingon are reunited.


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Queen's Counsel by StarSpray

It was not Melian’s wont to speak against her husband in public. When she did she tried to do so gently. She would not undermine his authority before his people—she was not one of Bauglir’s creatures to bend others by force to her will.

But in the privacy of their chambers it was a different matter.

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A New Battle by LadyBrooke

Gil-galad found that battles in Valinor were not that different from battles anywhere else, even if they used words instead of swords. It was still a fight against despair and loss, with reminders of the cost of failure lurking behind every corner.

Elrond was no longer by his side to help, but Finarfin and Ingwë were. If there had to be a battle of words to get the rest of their family from the Halls - well, Gil-galad would not shy from planning that battle.

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Weft by Grundy

A drabble for the Gnome Tome challenge, on the prompt "living patterns".

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Entwives by hennethgalad

prompt: "Why do the Elves of Lórien live in trees"

the song of the Mallorn

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Radiance by elennalore

What if Varda was the fallen Vala instead of Melkor?


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Pinching Time by Anérea

Varda experiments with undoing just a wee bit of history...

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Pinching Time by Anérea

Varda experiments with undoing just a wee bit of history...

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This is a Writing fanwork

Dancer of Numenor by Himring

The career of Lominzil, an up-and coming star of the stage in Armenelos, was originally inspired by the example of Tar-Vanimelde.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Tangled Up In Time by Anérea

Tolkenien Mathematics.

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O Sing! by Lferion

Singing into being, a drabble-poem

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Binds of Death have been Unwound by chrissystriped

The wolf that kills Finrod has not always been a wolf.

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And we met love along the way by daughterofshadows

Celebrían & Elrond at the beginning of their journey.

It is not love yet, but there are roots for it to grow, and perhaps in time, it will be.

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