Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
There may be an afterlife, but there is no final version of the Silmarillion.
Neither its in-universe author nor its IRL author are the kind of writers that just finish a work and then move on...
This two-part paper discusses different elven responses to trauma exposure and forced displacement in Beleriand and Middle-earth (absolutely not exhaustive!). The first half of the paper focuses on Elrond's response to traumatic stress, while the second half compares the impact of Galadriel and Oropher's migration into formerly Silvan realms. First given at the Tolkien Society's Diversity & Tolkien seminar in 2021.
Tolkien. Mathematics.
Tolkenien Mathematics.
I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.
In this review of Dome Karukolski's biopic Tolkien, I consider the role of fictionalization, dangling threads, and of course the power of fellowship in art.
Consideration of free will and the nature of elves.
A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.
Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.
Maglor is in the British trenches in WW1, and he gets to meet a certain young officer with a liking for ancient mythology.
A series of stories written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011.
A professor, a typewriter, a rainstorm... and a beginning. (Triple-drabble.)
What if Tolkien's writings really were translations rather than original creations? Late one night, a certain professor wanders around Oxford, searching for answers.