Subcreation: A Collection
Series compiled by Dawn Felagund
Tolkien\'s theory of subcreation states that it is part of our deepest human nature to create secondary worlds. This collection of drabbles, ficlets, one-shots, and sketches follows the thread of subcreation across the span of the legendarium. (Ficlet Collection)
- Series Information
Tolkien\'s theory of subcreation states that it is part of our deepest human nature to create secondary worlds. This collection of drabbles, ficlets, one-shots, and sketches follows the thread of subcreation across the span of the legendarium. (Ficlet Collection)
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Subcreation: A Collection"

Taking Readings II by Himring
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else.
Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

Inside the Fire by Lyra
Warnings: No warnings apply
Feanor ponders the price of his gift. (One-shot)

The Stone of the Hapless by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
Glirhuin sings a song ... but not what he expected. (Ficlet)

Daeron the Bard by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
Once the favorite of his king, Daeron the wanderer remembers. (Ficlet)

The Making of the Second Elessar by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
Celebrimbor makes the famed Elfstone.

Eternal Cycles by lindahoyland
Warnings: No warnings apply
There is chaos in the Music, but all will be renewed. (Poem)

It Came into the Heart of Melkor by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
Melkor creates rebellion and chaos. (Ficlet)

Varda by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Ingwe learns hope and inspiration from Varda. (One-shot)

To Voyage in Their Courses by Vulgarweed
Warnings: No warnings apply
The choosing of Arien and Tilion. (Ficlet)

The View from within the Mountains by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: No warnings apply
Pengolodh ponders how best to craft the story of the early First Age. (Drabble)

Yavanna Kementári by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Maglor relinquishes the Silmarils. (One-shot)

Sauron: Ugliness and Magnificence by Fernstrike
Warnings: No warnings apply
Sauron makes the One Ring.

The Prancing Pony by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Gandalf reveals his origins to Bilbo. This short story was for "Subcreation: A Collection" for Silmarillion40.

A Purpose Beyond Beauty by just_jenni
Warnings: No warnings apply
Melian realizes that she has a higher purpose of creation in the world. (One-shot)

Nerdanel: The Creations of Grief by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
Nerdanel's creations reflect her passage through the stages of grief. (Ficlet series)

If their skill were great enough by Lyra
Warnings: No warnings apply
The Dwarves decide how to go about setting a Silmaril in the Nauglamír. (Ficlet)

The Unanswerable Question by lindahoyland
Warnings: No warnings apply
Elrond explains evil to a young Estel. (Ficlet)

Míriel Þerindë: The Art of the Needle by Elwin Fortuna
Warnings: No warnings apply
The art of Miriel stitches together key moments in the legendarium. (Ficlet)

Finrod Fashions a World by oshun
Warnings: No warnings apply
Finrod shares his notion of the creative process with his sister. (Ficlet)

Trinkets by Independence1776
Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Mild)
A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.
Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

Tapestries of Shimmering Thread by LadyBrooke
Warnings: No warnings apply
Everyone sees something different in the tapestries of Vaire. (Ficlet)

In the Beginning by Lordnelson100
Warnings: No warnings apply
Aragorn reads to his children about the creation of Arda. His daughter has a lot of questions. (One-shot)