Varda by hennethgalad

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Fanwork Notes

Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


Ingwe learns hope and inspiration from Varda. (One-shot)

Major Characters: Ingwë, Varda

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 997
Posted on 14 September 2017 Updated on 14 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Varda

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For in the Song of Nienna he perceived the Void, in which Arda moves, a glinting speck of Light amidst the unfathomable black depths and the endless darkness of naught. A horror and terror had seized him, he would have fallen had his very fear not locked his froze.

As the reader, I've always found it hard to get Ingwe and the Vanyar, there on the edge of the story, because they are the Good Children who find the light, and go straight to the peaceful city, and never come out.

This gives him such a beautiful context.

Ingwë doesn't often inspire fanfiction. A good character without contradictions does not always inspire as much interest or loyalty as one who shares a combination of flaws we understand and struggles for goodness as well. Pure evil even interests the fanfic writer more than the virtuous characters, whose flaws are not shown to us. So it was interesting to read an interpretation of Ingwë as being seduced by the beauty that Varda created and his fascination with the elements of mystery and longing contained in that beauty.

Thanks for giving me a new look at Ingwë--I was never able to relate to him very much at all before.

you might recall the passage from The Charioteer about Ralph, "He was lika a lone outpost, standing fast in a rout..." i guess i was using him as a model. 

also there is a quote, i dont know where from, or who, "the wise and brave are nothing, or corrupted.". so its probably pleasing to him to be nothing... like Tolkien said, happy times are dull to read (humans are so bloodthirsty...)  

thankyou :)