The Prancing Pony by hennethgalad

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Fanwork Notes

Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


Gandalf reveals his origins to Bilbo. This short story was for "Subcreation: A Collection" for Silmarillion40.

Major Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 998
Posted on 14 September 2017 Updated on 14 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Prancing Pony

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of course, the bell is from a speech by Paul aka Saul of Antioch, first major writer of Jesus fanfic...  believe Tolkien knew his works...

yeah, Gandalf and Elrond, but Gandalf is older... (i've just been reading LACE and i wonder if Elrond is reborn, like, Finwë, maybe...) 

thankyou :)

I love this description of Bilbo.

Gandalf frowned, it was not a flourishing strength, the hobbit did not shine, as an Elf with a surfeit of light. It seemed closer to darkness, as though the spirit of the hobbit had become concentrated, boiled down to its essence a little, strengthened like a sinew.

And this one is a beautiful description of the role of the Ainur in creation:

But I... I am a mere Maia, a little bell at the side of the mightiest orchestra, where Manwë, Varda, Ulmö and other mighty Valar sang songs of glory and power, bringing joy and exaltation, filling all with love.

I very much like the definition of the Prancing Pony as a place of comfort and homecoming, a resting spot amidst travail.

But most of all I love the idea that Gandalf shares his secret with Bilbo.

Of course I love the magic! Never can have too much of that.