In the Beginning by Lordnelson100

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Fanwork Notes

Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


Aragorn reads to his children about the creation of Arda. His daughter has a lot of questions. (One-shot)

Major Characters: Aragorn

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 187
Posted on 14 September 2017 Updated on 14 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

“But how could it be music, if they did not have ears to listen with, yet?” she asked him.


Comments on In the Beginning

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Thank you so much! I feel like, if one were an in-universe child in Arda, and the Silmarillion stories are something like a mix between your culture's epics and their holy texts, there are going to be those who's strongest reaction is "but that's not fair!' and want to go back and save everyone.

As do I, of course!

Thank you so much, so glad you enjoyed. "Needing to fix things that couldn't be fixed": yes, my reaction to this prompt was a bit "meta"--in some ways this impulse lies behind so much great SWG writing! But I ended up seeing it through the eyes of one who hears these stories, in-universe.  

You're welcome! So glad you enjoyed.  I think that often we have some of our most pure reactions to stories when we were children: what made us sad, what we saw as unfair; because we haven't become inured to the world and its injustices.

In LOTR, I love the way characters like Aragorn access memories of the First Age through song, through stories & lays; then when you read the Silmarillion, it becomes like a fascinating geology of layers underneath the Third Age.

And I'm glad you liked the dynamic between girl and father; I drew on certain memories of being read to, as a kid.