Middle-earth Olympics

July 2021 SWG challenge Middle-earth Olympics banner with Olympic rings themed for Middle-earth

Quick Links: Team List | Medal Recipients

The Summer Olympics … a time when the world unites to cheer on their favorite teams in popular sports while pretending to understand the finer points of the more obscure events. Sports and games were likewise a part of the legendarium, whether the Galadriel's prowess as a swimmer, undertaken in Arda's salad days, or Maedhros's single-handed fencing skills and similar militaristic exercises from Middle-earth's darker eras.

This month, in honor of the 20201 Summer Olympics and sport in Middle-earth, we present our own Olympic games! This month will feature a series of prompts that can be done as an individual or a team. If you missed team sign-ups, do not despair! You can still complete team prompts by collaborating with others.

Important Dates

July 11: Last day to create a team
July 12: Open sign-ups for teams begin
July 15: Challenge prompts posted
July 16: Last day to join a team
July 17, 15:00 UTC: Opening Ceremony on Discord
August 10: Last day for challenge entries
August 22, 15:00 UTC: Medal and Closing Ceremonies on Discord

General Guidelines

  1. Participants may "compete" either individually or on a national team.
  2. ("Compete" is in quotes because there's actually nothing competitive about this challenge--in fact, we're far more interested in seeing participants collaborate with and support each other!)
  3. Teams and individuals may complete as few or as many events as they would like.
  4. If you are part of a team, the fanworks you make do not have to be about the group of characters who make up your team.
  5. The actual Olympics do not allow participants to combine events. So it's a good thing we're not the actual Olympics because we allow you to cram as many prompts into a single fanwork as you care to try. So if you want to slalom in a kayak while playing beach volleyball astride a horse and wielding a fencing foil? You just go on ahead and go for it!
  6. If you want to join a team, make sure you do so on or before July 16. Individual participants do not need to sign up--just create something for the prompt(s) that interest you.
  7. There will be an (optional) opening ceremony (July 18, 15:00 UTC) and medal ceremony (August 22, 15:00 UTC) held on the SWG Discord. For the medal ceremony, challenge participants are encouraged to nominate other teams and individual participants for their positive contributions. Medals can be for absolutely anything so notice what other participants are doing that you love or that makes the event--or the SWG or fandom as a whole--a more friendly, supportive, and fun place to be.

Awarding a Medal

What is an Olympics without medals? While this is not a competitive event, we do want to honor our participants for all the ways that they make our group and fandom awesome. Now is your chance to honor your fellow SWG members who make the SWG or the Tolkienfic fandom a wonderful place to be! As part of the Middle-earth Olympics, all SWG members* can award medals to participants in the Middle-earth Olympics for any and all reasons.

* We are considering you a member of the SWG if you belong to our site or any of our social media.

  1. The person or fanwork you give a medal to must be part of the Middle-earth Olympics. Remember, ALL participation counts, which includes comments and discussions, not just fanworks creators.
  2. You can award a medal for ANYTHING. Get creative and have fun with it! (If the challenge prompts didn't give it away, this is not our most reverent challenge ...)
  3. It goes without saying that medals should focus on the positive.
  4. You can award as many medals as you'd like!

Ready to go? You can award a medal here! Medals will be presented on Sunday, 22 August 2021 at 15:00 UTC on the SWG's Discord server.

Setting Up a Team

Team registration is now closed.

  1. Anyone with an account on the SWG site can register a national team. The person who registers the team will be the team captain and listed as the contact person for that team. A moderator can change the team captain at a later date, if needed, by request of the team captain.
  2. You can only register one national team.
  3. Anyone can join a national team. Teams must be open to all participants who want to join. The person who registers the team is the team captain and will be responsible for organizing/communicating among team members to make sure that everyone has a chance to be involved. If you have concerns about working with a particular teammate, contact the mods.
  4. Participants can join only one team, although they can also complete challenge prompts as individual participants.
  5. Teams should be named after a group in Middle-earth (e.g., Noldor, Numenoreans, Doriathrim).
  6. Teams will have the option of creating a flag, motto, and/or national anthem. Teams also have the option of having a Discord channel set up on the SWG's Discord server for discussion, socialization, and planning among team members.
  7. Team sign-ups are closed. However, participants are welcome to collaborate with others outside the team structure if they want to complete the collaborative prompts.

This challenge opened in .


Choose your prompt from the collection below.

View Prompts

General Prompts

General prompts can be completed by individuals or teams.

person running Athletics: Possibly the blandest-named event in the 20201 Olympics, the challenge here is likewise simple: Create a fanwork about a character doing an athletic pursuit that is part of the Summer Olympics. Go as canonical as you want--Indis was renowned as a runner and Fingon a famed archer, for example--or as wacky as you want. (Túrin on a trampoline, anyone??)
two people upside down in the water Artistic Swimming: Individual athletes in perfectly synchronized motion… this event invites you to look at parallels, whether of characters or storylines, either within the Legendarium or outside of it. Are they part of the same dance? Are they moving in perfect harmony? Or are there goofs and flaws in the choreography?
person thwacking birdie with a racket Badminton: In honour of the battered birdie, this event is all about Tolkien’s feathered friends. From the greatest Eagle of Manwë to the humble thrush that knocks on Dúrin’s door, birds feature frequently. Take them into the middle of the action for this event--in whichever way you see fit.
person punching nothing Boxing: One word for this prompt: bruises. Maybe literal bruises, or bruised hearts, or bruised spirits, or bruised egos, or bruised fruit … the only requirement is to bang up your characters a little bit for this one. (Okay, maybe "bruised fruit" won't work after all but extra kudos if you make it happen anyway.)
person paddling on flat water Canoe/Kayak Flatwater: When a canoe and a kayak, set adrift on a star-sheened sea, meet, touch oars, and fall in love … okay so, we were thrown off by the slash in the event title, and our imaginations ran wild. For this event, set off your own wild canoe/kayak romance by creating a fanwork about a relationship not yet in our relationship tag list.
person paddling down a hill Canoe/Kayak Slalom: Star-sheened sea ... the gentle touch of oar on oar … all of the above apply for the Canoe/Kayak Flatwater event but add this challenge on top (ahem) of one of our other events this month for some extra spiffy maneuvers upon extra turbulent waters.
person bent in half and pointed headfirst at water Diving: How did you dive into fandom or fanfiction? Off the high-dive? Headfirst or bellyflop? This is a meta challenge that invites you to explore your fandom origin story or fandom's impact on your life. Responses to this challenge can be posted on our archive, Dreamwidth, Discord, or on Tumblr (please tag @silmarillionwritersguild).
person throwing a ball that looks oddly like a golden ring Handball: whoso in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a Silmaril… This event awakens the dread Oath of Fëanor. Just how--and how strongly--it features in your fanwork is up to you.
person running Marathon: As pandemic restrictions loosen and summer arrives in much of the world, invitations to barbecues and beach outings are doubtlessly on the rise … and this challenge lets you say to hell with them all! Why socialize when you can make fanworks all by your own sweet self or hang out online with your Tolkien friends? Pick a project and, for every day during the challenge, commit to working on it for at least a half-hour per day. (No worries if you got a late start!)
person swimming and holding or touching this rectangular thing that I honestly cannot figure out what it is but it kinda looks like a beer can Marathon Swimming: So this event's icon totally looks like someone who is swimming a 10K while drinking a brewski. And a very large one at that. In honor of Tokyo 2020 icon mishaps, this event in our Olympics requires you to create a fanwork where a character similarly does two things simultaneously that are unwise to do at the same time.
I honestly don't even know how to describe this there is a person swimming on the top which makes the others appear to be underwater the fencer looks to be stabbing the horserider and the shooter looks to be shooting the runner its honestly insane Modern Pentathlon: Murder, mayhem, mishaps--much like The Silmarillion, the modern pentathlon has it all. Use this hot mess of an icon to prompt your fanwork.
person leaping and waving a ribbon or maybe a whip

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Move to the music in a display of elegance, skill and perfect control. Or just move to the music, really! To compete in this event, choose one of our Olympic song prompts and create a fanwork inspired by some aspect of it.

person riding a bike that is actually represented as two green circles Road Cycling: Take your character or characters on that quintessential Bildungsroman subgenre: the road trip narrative.
person running with a red football Rugby: Sometimes you've just got to hold on to the precious and make a run for it. Who would know better than the characters of Tolkien's works? Create a fanwork where a character refuses to give something up and will go to any lengths to protect it.
person pulling on yellow lines that is a sail I suppose Sailing: Skilled sailors abound in the legendarium--and a few somewhat less skilled (or less lucky). Create a fanwork about one or more of these sailors.
person skateboarding heck yeah Skateboarding: Skater!Legolas. That is all. That is your prompt. The Legolas you choose is up to you.
person hanging off the side of a mountain but it actually looks like a person being whipped around by a big red snake Sport Climbing: You know the "plot mountain" (or "Freytag's pyramid" if your teacher was fancy) you learned about in grade-school English class? Show your mountaineering finesse in this event by changing the position of or eliminating entirely at least one of the five plot mountain stages.
person surfing or maybe pooping off a banana Surfing: A great dark wave climbing over the green lands and above the hills, and coming on, darkness unescapable… in other words, perfect conditions for stepping on a surfboard! Will your character(s) manage to keep their balance and ride the wave, or will they founder like Númenor of old? As usual, you can take this prompt as literally or broadly as you wish.
person running on water between two giant yellow balls Triathlon: Rings, Silmarils, kindreds--many things in the legendarium come in threes. Create a fanwork involving something that comes in threes. (Running on water and giant balls optional.)
person fencing in a wheelchair Wheelchair Fencing: Show a character with a disability working to overcome a conflict. The twist: the conflict cannot be related to challenges related to their disability. Instead, we want to see characters with disabilities facing the same conflicts and challenges as able-bodied characters do. In other words, we hope this prompt will produce fanworks where characters in the story happen to have disabilities, not where those disabilities become the center of their existence.
two people grappling each other Wrestling: Show your character(s) wrestling with someone or something. It could be a literal wrestling match in the great tradition of Tulkas, or a figurative struggle against the odds, time, inner demons, or any other challenge. Whether or not your character(s) manage to overcome their opponent is entirely up to you ...

Team Prompts

National teams, here's your chance to shine. Individual participants can collaborate to complete these events as well.

person awkwardly poised upside-down and one-handed on a yellow line Artistic Gymnastics: Music often adds an extra depth or edge to a beautiful experience. In this event, you will need at least two players. One will write a fanwork and the other will make a soundtrack to accompany the fanwork.


person dunking a red ball into a tiny blue trashcan-looking thing 3x3 Basketball: Three creators. Three fanwork types. For this event, collaborate with two other creators to make a fanwork that includes three different fanwork types. For example, one participant might write a story, the second illustrates it, and the third makes a playlist for the soundtrack. Or one creator makes a craft, another writes a poem about its origin in the legendarium, and a third creates a work of meta about the creative process. Or whatever combination of three fanworks you envision!
person in a wheelchair tossing a ball Boccia: According to the paralympics website, "Boccia is a game of high strategy, where a single shot can reverse fortunes." You will need at least two players for this event. One player records a prompt--a word, a quote, a song, a work of art--anything goes!--but does not tell the second player. The second player begins a fanwork. About halfway through, the first player gives the prompt to the second player, who must then incorporate it into the fanwork. If you want to make this even more challenging, you can work in more than one surprise prompt at various points in the creative process.
person running Distance Relay: At least two creators are needed for this event. Here's how it works:
  • Choose any of the Middle-earth Olympics prompts and start a fanwork.
  • If it is a written fanwork, the next creator uses the last sentence as the prompt for the next installment.
  • If it is a non-written fanwork, the creator chooses an element of their fanwork as the prompt (e.g., the color scheme on an artwork, the final song on a playlist).
  • While there must be at least two rounds, you can keep going for as many rounds as you would like.
person kicking a ball

Football 5-a-side: A fast and intense paralympic sport, football 5-a-side depends on the sound made by the ball and the commentary provided by a guide for scoring goals. For our football 5-a-side, your team will receive a bingo card (5-a-side, get it?) with sound prompts. Agree on a character, setting or scenario and split the prompts between players to create a single fanwork and achieve bingo. At least two creators are needed for this event.

Bingo card for sound prompts - see below for a text-only card

Text-only prompts:

Breaking Glass Birdsong Crackling Fire A Snapping Branch Whistle
Crickets Bells A Splash Creaky Hinge Distant Music
Ocean Waves Hammerfalls Free Space An Echo Wolf Howl
Footsteps A Slap Murmuring Voices An Owl Rainfall
Thunder Water over Stones Drums Wind Silence
person ready to hit a ball with a racket Tennis: Tennis is ultimately a game of back-and-forth (grunting optional). This prompt is an epistolary challenge: Grab a friend or few and write some letters back and forth. Maybe you each choose a character and have them correspond, but you can also write about meta, discuss a fanwork, or any other arrangement you can envision.
person in sitting position upside-down in the air Trampoline: In this event we bounce … ideas! Talk through a fanwork idea with one or more other people and then make it happen, on your own or collaboratively.

Comment Prompts

person with club on shoulder in a kinda relaxed way Golf: Eighteen holes. One tiny, dimpled ball--you! Over the course of this challenge, leave comments on eighteen fanworks on the SWG site.
person lifting weight while lying on their back Powerlifting: Are you someone who loves to read and means to come back to leave comments but never does? Now is your chance to fix this! Leave at least three comments on fanworks on the SWG site that you've enjoyed but never commented on.
person seated and about to hit a ball Sitting Volleyball: Start a conversation! It doesn't matter where but choose an SWG space--a comment on a fanwork, a reply to a comment on one of your fanworks, a question or topic posed on our Discord server--and engage another SWG member. While a couple "volleys" back and forth is grand, the big idea here is to talk to and get to know your fellow fans.

Live Events

National teams and individual participants are welcome to join us on our Discord as we create and celebrate fanworks together. Not a member of our Discord yet? Contact our mods for an invite link.

person running

Sprint Relay: Join us on Sunday, July 25 for a session of relay writing! You can join with your national team or as an individual participant for an on-the-spot relay match-up. Here's how it works:

  • There are four 15-minute rounds and four relay writers. Don't have four people? You can switch off as needed to fill the four rounds. (For example, two writers write twice each.) The same writer cannot write for consecutive rounds.
  • We begin with a prompt, and we're off! The first writer has 15 minutes to start a story, which is then handed off to the next writer, who has 15 minutes, and so on until the hour is up and (hopefully!) there is a finished story.
  • Have an artist on your team? They can spend the 15-minute round sketching a scene from the story. (Other fanworks are welcome too--get creative about what can be accomplished in a 15-minute round!)
  • You can plan ahead of time or wing it. That part is totally up to you and your teammates.
Table tennis icon Table Tennis: Is that person in the event icon juggling or playing ping-pong? We're not quite sure, but in honor of tiny tennis played with tiny paddles and tiny balls, we will gather on Saturday, July 31 and Sunday, August 1 (1:00 and 15:00 UTC) to indulge in the creation of tiny fanworks volleyed onto our Discord server at rapid speed: instadrabbling! Not sure how instadrabbling works? Check out our instadrabbling FAQ to learn more.

Icons are taken from the Olympic website kind of like how Dior took the Silmaril.

Fanworks Tagged with Middle-earth Olympics

This is a Writing fanwork

Insight by polutropos

While practicing their jumps, Angaráto confesses to being distracted after a rather embarrassing quarrel in the marketplace. Artanis listens and offers her insight. 

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

The Song of Skateboard Legolas by Anne Wolfe

An (intentionally!) absurd poem. Written for the Skateboarding prompt, in the Middle-earth Olympics challenge.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Hands of Fate by UnnamedElement

Less than two days after the Third Kinslaying at Sirion, Elrond bites Maglor, and Maglor and Maedhros have a conversation with no real resolution. But, in the end, there is maybe a road forward.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Unexpected Nesting by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Earendil comes home to Elwing's Tower in Aewellond (the Bird-haven) to rest from his labors, and finds her just beginning hers. She's been...nesting in his absence.

He hadn't counted on Elwing's bird-skinchanging affecting her like this...


Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

On The Shores Of Cuivienen by Kaylee Arafinwiel

As Minwe's wife labors to bring their fourth child into the world, he finds himself seeking out his middle children. The firstborn son of Enel can't help but worry for them.

Solwe, who will one day be called Olwe Lindaran, and his twin Solwen, or Olwen, have always loved the water, dangerous though it may be...

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Blood Amongst The Lilies by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Miriel of Numenor, King's Heir, has a premonition while taking a painting lesson from her paternal grandmother. It ends up making her painting one of foreboding.

It isn't wise to paint while foreseeing prophetic visions, that's for sure...


(For Zimraphel/galadhremmin on the SWG Discord, written to the "Marathon Swimming" challenge - two things that are unwise to do at the same time)

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Galadhon Once More by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the early Second Age, the High King of the Noldor in Lindon sends an emissary to Greenwood. Elder Rethedir, once Lord Galadhon of Doriath, must summon the strength to meet his firstborn son after years in exile.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Red Thread and Thorns by Lferion

A look at a single life in Angband, a study in hope.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Watch by Lingwiloke

Túrin has been pushing the king to give up on Nargothrond's policy of secrecy, and now Orodreth comes to a decision.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Tennis With An Elf and A Dwarf by Grundy, Raiyana

An exchange of letters in the First Age, written for the Middle-earth Olympics Tennis prompt.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Birds, brothers, and a harp by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo learnt to talk to bird. Tyelkormo is an overactive older brother. Makalaurë wasn't impressed. 

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Sweet Violets and Golden Cowslip by StarSpray

Lalwen has dug too many graves. After the attack on the Havens of Sirion, she digs another.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Leaving Sirion by Aprilertuile

After the Sack of Sirion, the remaining two feanorian brothers are leading their people back to Amon Ereb, taking the twin children of Elwing back with them.

This story follows : The tragedy of Sirion

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

And the nightingales sing by daughterofshadows

After her mother has left, Arwen struggles to sleep.

She seeks comfort with the nightingales singing in the gardens and meets someone unexpected in her dreams.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

An unexpected journey - getting into the Tolkien fandom by daughterofshadows

A short exploration of my time in the Tolkien fandom: How did I get here, why did I stay, what did I learn.

For the Middle-earth Olympics Diving prompt.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

The tragedy of Sirion by Aprilertuile

The feanorians attack Sirion.

This story follows oath awakened

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Bruised Fruit, Bruised Egos by Dawn Felagund, Himring, catadromously, Kaylee Arafinwiel

Curufin tries to steal a book from the restricted section of the library to impress his friends, and it all goes pear-shaped. This plum fine story is the fruit of a relay writing session for the Middle-earth Olympics, and also stems from the Boxing prompt.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Then and now, Maglor's thoughts on Celegorm by Aprilertuile

Maglor observes his brother Celegorm, and can't help but think of the differences now, after Nargothrond, compared to before, in Aman.


Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Feast of the Hunter by chrissystriped

In the Greenwood a contest is held each autumn to choose the Leader of the Hunt.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Vengeance is Mine by chrissystriped

An elf escapes from Angband and earns himself a new name.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

The Teleri Times. by hennethgalad

Controversy rages at the Games as the House of Fëanor is accused of using performance enhancing drugs.


Fanwork Information and Table of Contents