And the nightingales sing by daughterofshadows

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


After her mother has left, Arwen struggles to sleep.

She seeks comfort with the nightingales singing in the gardens and meets someone unexpected in her dreams.

Major Characters: Arwen

Major Relationships:

Genre: Family

Challenges: Middle-earth Olympics

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 605
Posted on 30 July 2021 Updated on 30 July 2021

This fanwork is complete.

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This was Boccia prompts fill, so thank you to Keiliss and Independence1776 for their lovely image prompts!

Which were an open window with the moon shining through, and hot air balloons in the nightsky!


It also kind of fulfils the Badminton prompt with all these nightingales.


Comments on And the nightingales sing

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This is very sweet — I love the dreamy quality, and the image of hot* air balloons floating over Imladris (Oh my gosh! Just imagine!!) And I like the idea of her great great grandparents comforting her — I do like to think that going beyond the Circles of world does not preclude one from reaching through to connect with loved ones in spirit.

*Otto Corrected "hot" to "joy", and I think, as usual, he's right, they are joy air balloons!

Otto corrected is certainly right, these air balloons bring a lot of joy!

And I'm so happy that it not only is a story about a dream, but feels dreamy, too, for you.

If there is anyone who can reach out from beyond the circles of the world to speak to their great-great-granddaughter, it's Beren & Lúthien. As you have seen or will see soon from my other replies, I have many thoughts about Arwen and Lúthien (and Aragorn and Beren), so I will facilitate meetings between them if I can manage in any way, shape or form. Even if I have to send them to the dreamscape to do so! (They will meet, gosh darn it, they deserve it!)