Fanworks Tagged with Arwen

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Paradox of the Fourth Age by Alassante

One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?

Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of any missteps.

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"An Elopement With Life": The Spectacular Fading of Celebrían by Zara BalrogBalls

An Elopement with Life is a 9-part essay collection that intertwines literary fan/fiction with the nonfiction essay form, exploring the idea of a Celebrían who stays in Middle Earth. The fictional narrative follows a year in the life of Celebrían who, across conversations with various 'lost women' of the legendarium, makes the deliberate choice to not-sail to Valinor. The essays engage with historiography, investigative environmental journalism, and critical queer/disability theory to unpack how mythic and literary narratives shape our understanding of loss, resilience, and reclamation. 

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Changeling by Zara BalrogBalls

An epistolary series of unsent letters from Celeborn to Celebrían after her departure, chronicling the construction of a memorial garden in Lothlorien. 

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Clear Pebbles of the Rain by StarSpray

But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted. 

Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces a long road of healing.

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If Time Run True and Away by Anne Wolfe

In Tol Eressëa, Celebrían and Galadriel talk about Arwen. Written for the "It Comes in Threes" challenge, inspired by Maiden, Mother and Crone.

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The Hands of the Prince by Valxyri

Someone is planting bombs in Minas Tirith.

Early in the Forth Age, when King Elessar's life is threatened, it is up to the young prince and an unlikely ally to bring down the threat to the realms of Men.

But in the chaos of a city rocked by violence, Prince Eldarion Telcontar will discover the true meaning of his inheritance.

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A Measure of Peace by StarSpray

Arwen sees that Frodo will not find real healing in Middle-earth, and seeks to do something about it.

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Elven Elements by Himring

Young Arwen and a very special necklace.

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Still There Is Much That Is Fair by Arveldis

“My father says he will sail West one day, and I hope to follow him, if I can. I want more than anything to see what lies in the West,” she said. The longing for it flared in her heart, as it had ever since her father had first read to her from the Red Book of Mr. Frodo’s sailing.

“There are few ships now that can take that road,” Arwen said softly.

Elanor travels to Minas Tirith and enters the queen's service.

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It's not easy, but it's worth it by daughterofshadows

Three characters, three moments. Three stages of the same journey. The road of self-acceptance is never smooth.

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Fly me to the Moon by daughterofshadows

Arwen remembers a dream, Aragorn makes a prediction, and Minas Tirith flies.

Millenia later, Eärendil gets company on the Vingilot and remembers his childhood.

Oh, and there are hot air balloons.

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the wise and the lovely by elwinged

Silmariën and Isilmë, from the beginning to the end.


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Left On the Hither Side of Death by kimikocha

In the wake of Elessar's passing, Arwen encounters a child in the fading woods of Lórien who is much older than she seems.

[Written for TRSB 2022, Art #9: Seeking a Favor]

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Le prince des plaines by SonOfMandos

Vertbois-le-Grand s'assombrit. Les forces de Sauron se multiplient dans le royaume. Les Elfes sylvains s'affaiblissent. Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, avant que le monde ne s'écroule complètement, Thranduil envoie son fils explorer la Terre du Milieu. Legolas n'a jamais quitté sa forêt. Le prince voyage et se joint aux Rangers du Nord, et son chemin croise celui des fils d'Elrond.

Elladan le suit.


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L'imbécillité by SonOfMandos

S’il y avait une chose qu’Erestor méprisait, c’était l’imbécillité.

Alors Erestor, une personne « comme il faut », s'est donné le droit de rouspéter.

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To Light the Solstice Fire by elfscribe

Elladan dreads receiving his grandmother’s embarrassing annual solstice gift. Humor.

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Snowmelt by Independence1776

A few decades after Celebrían's departure, Arwen returns home from Lothlórien.

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Hope Against the Shadow by StarSpray

Arwen dreams of shadows, and stitches light.

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Restoration & Rebuilding Drabbles by Grundy

Drabbles written for the Restoration & Rebuilding challenge instadrabbling event. Each drabble is its own chapter, with the main character(s) listed in the title. Prompts are listed in the chapter notes.

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Not the Choice of Lúthien by polutropos

Lindir is too good at music to be a nobody and young Arwen has a confused Lúthien complex. Crackship treated seriously.

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A Web of Stars by Idrils Scribe

Thranduil never forgave Elrond for Oropher's death at the Last Alliance, and a thousand years of diplomacy have failed to repair the rift between Rivendell and the Greenwood. 
For his final, desperate attempt to seal the breach, Celeborn brings an unlikely ambassador: Arwen Undómiel.

Tauriel doesn't care for this foreign lady. Legolas begs to differ, and Arwen ... Arwen just wants an Adventure.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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Winter Light by Idrils Scribe

It's the day before midwinter, and Elrohir and Glorfindel are training for the great Turuhalmë tournament. Five year old Arwen is a little hellion, but she gets her present all the same ...

Pure fluff-coated fluff with a rich fluffy filling and only the barest sprinkle of foreshadowing.

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And the nightingales sing by daughterofshadows

After her mother has left, Arwen struggles to sleep.

She seeks comfort with the nightingales singing in the gardens and meets someone unexpected in her dreams.

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Spring by Grundy

Celeborn visits the Greenwood in spring, and recalls a prior visit.

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