Still There Is Much That Is Fair by Arveldis

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Fanwork Notes

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“My father says he will sail West one day, and I hope to follow him, if I can. I want more than anything to see what lies in the West,” she said. The longing for it flared in her heart, as it had ever since her father had first read to her from the Red Book of Mr. Frodo’s sailing.

“There are few ships now that can take that road,” Arwen said softly.

Elanor travels to Minas Tirith and enters the queen's service.

Canon Source: Lord of the Rings

Major Characters: Arwen, Elanor Gardner

Major Relationships: Arwen & Elanor Gardner, Elanor Gardner & Samwise Gamgee

Genre: Family, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 387
Posted on 19 July 2023 Updated on 19 July 2023

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Written for LOTR Ladies Week Day 1: Hobbits.

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