Instadrabbling Session for Maedhros & Maglor Week
Join us to instadrabble on our Discord server on February 15 using prompts themed around the relationship between Maedhros and Maglor.
"Fanon" is a detail or idea invented by fans of a work that is expressed so prevalently in the community that many consider it to be factual or even think it came from the texts themselves. Fanon is celebrated by some, scorned by others, proudly flaunted, sheepishly followed, and denied outright, yet as members of the Tolkien fan-writing or -art communities, fanon touches us all and, whether we like it or not (or even know that we're doing it!), shapes our works as well.
For this challenge, we will take a fanon about which we feel passionately--whether "passion" be best defined as love or loathing--and turn that fanon on its head, writing something that goes against the fanon norm in fandom.
This challenge opened in .
Mostly prompt responses and other random things that take beloved fanon assumptions and flout them.
Inverted fanons so far: - Maglor + Daeron = BFF
Mid-winter at Himring was never going to be all peace and goodwill
Maedhros: grim, driven, ruthless, manipulative...
Yes, all that. With a slight difference.
(Slashiness faint and subdued)
Very short, less than 500 words, in which Fingon and Maedhros discuss regrets or lack thereof on the night before they last separate to prepare their own hosts and allies for the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. 2010 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards Nominee
Erestor sails to Valinor and finds himself involved with someone he was infatuated with as a youth. Based upon the request by Darth Fingon, in the 2009 Ardor in August fic swap, for Finarfin/Erestor, set in the Fourth Age in Aman, including secrecy and moral doubt. Did not want a fluffy, happy romance and if Earwen is part of the story and/or finds out about the affair, she should not be soppily happy for them. Huge thank yous to: IgnobleBard, Lilithlessfair, and Aearwen, for reading and providing corrections and suggestions.
2010 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards -- First Place in Races: Elves: Noldorin Elves
Amrod and Amras get a lesson in map-reading (both physical and political) from Maedhros. Written for the "Fanon Inverted" Silmarillion Writers' Guild Challenge, taking on the "twins as pranksters" fanon convention.
Míriel considers her options to avert civil war in Númenor as she prepares for her father's funeral.