Pink Biscuits by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maedhros: grim, driven, ruthless, manipulative...

Yes, all that. With a slight difference.

(Slashiness faint and subdued)

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Humor

Challenges: Fanon Inverted

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 519
Posted on 23 April 2010 Updated on 23 April 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents


Set some time during the Long Peace.

(Russandol=Maedhros; Findekano=Fingon)


Comments on Pink Biscuits

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Ahaha, fun! I especially liked that part where Maedhros knows exactly when Fingon isn't paying any attention to him. I always love not-so-dark-and-driven First Age Maedhros, since fics seem to like to depict him as either a soulless wreck or someone hardened and deadened past all human emotion post-Thangorodrim. I do like to think of him as very focused on the war in the north - and very observant due to self-delusions being burned away - but surely nobody, even an elf lord, can live totally dark and driven for 400 years.

I love this! (And am very honored--and surprised!--that it was inspired by "Love by Moonlight." :) Having the wandering mind of a writer, I've been in Fingon's shoes before (though, luckily, my husband does not embarrass me as Maedhros did! ;). The observation that Maedhros's voice sounds so like it did in Valinor is a lovely and poignant detail, as is Fingon's inability to remember exactly what they spoke about. Now you've got my mind turning over the possibilities; it may be that this piece will inspire another from me in turn! :D

I would be so delighted if you wrote anything about a light-hearted conversation that Maitimo and Findekano had in Valinor! I hope you do! I was a great deal moved by Love by Moonlight, especially by your delicate description of Fingon's endurance. However, I couldn't help thinking in an irreverent corner of my mind: Why are you nattering on about allegiance, Maedhros, when you are talking to the person most loyal to you in all of Beleriand (except perhaps Maglor)? Well, you notice this is the summer version, so to speak! (Umm... I didn't want to weigh the piece down too much with notes, in case people thought it was all very slight and silly, but in terms of the series, this is after Maedhros has decided that it’s all right for him to be in love with Fingon, as long as he doesn’t let Fingon know, so playing the same trick on him that he played on him once in Valinor is a bit of a smoke screen, a way of saying: Look, things are back to normal between us, in spite of everything that has happened since! That also might throw some light on why his voice sounds as it does...)