Doom, Gloom and Maedhros
Series compiled by Himring
Banner made for the series by Lingwiloke (Fandom Stocking 2016)
The main story arc of this series goes from just after the rescue from Thangorodrim to Maedhros's death. However, the narrative is not strictly chronological - there are flashbacks, flashforwards and recounted memories. These span from Maedhros's childhood in Tirion to his release from Mandos just before the end of Arda. The individual stories are told from different points of view: Maedhros himself, Fingon, Maglor and Elrond. Although the upshot of the series is that it is pretty tough being doomed all the time, some bits are a lot more gloomy than others. All the dialogue was even wittier before being clumsily translated from Quenya. Considering the subject matter, very little blood and gore (I think). The ratings and warnings for individual sections differ greatly from the overall rating: see the individual stories.
ETA: Since I wrote this description of the series, it has snowballed in all directions. I feel that the description ought to be revised, but it is difficult to know exactly how to tweak it. You may wish to compare the more recent description of the series (with notes) on AO3:
Other links that might be helpful are these: a fragmentary timeline (posted at Faerie): (formerly:, and a listing of original characters (on my Dreamwidth journal):
Illustrations to the series by Alasse:
- Series Information
Banner made for the series by Lingwiloke (Fandom Stocking 2016)
The main story arc of this series goes from just after the rescue from Thangorodrim to Maedhros's death. However, the narrative is not strictly chronological - there are flashbacks, flashforwards and recounted memories. These span from Maedhros's childhood in Tirion to his release from Mandos just before the end of Arda. The individual stories are told from different points of view: Maedhros himself, Fingon, Maglor and Elrond. Although the upshot of the series is that it is pretty tough being doomed all the time, some bits are a lot more gloomy than others. All the dialogue was even wittier before being clumsily translated from Quenya. Considering the subject matter, very little blood and gore (I think). The ratings and warnings for individual sections differ greatly from the overall rating: see the individual stories.
ETA: Since I wrote this description of the series, it has snowballed in all directions. I feel that the description ought to be revised, but it is difficult to know exactly how to tweak it. You may wish to compare the more recent description of the series (with notes) on AO3:
Other links that might be helpful are these: a fragmentary timeline (, and a listing of original characters: (both on my Dreamwidth journal)
Illustrations to the series by Alasse now separately posted on AO3:
Major Characters: Elrond, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Doom, Gloom and Maedhros"

Looking at the Stars and Counting the Hours by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Falling in love helps Fingon cope with the death of his father, but on a visit to Himring a year later he finds love can't cure everything. Except I couldn't quite leave it at that...
Variation(s) on familiar theme(s). Not only do I not own the characters, I own very little else...
Fingon/Maedhros. Not rated this for incest, as cousins don't usually rate for incest on this site.
Character death only as per canon and also off-stage. Some angst and flashbacks.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Angelica. Thank you very much!

More by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic)
I: Fingon is unable to articulate his wishes unambiguously, so Maedhros finds seduction a terrifying and lonely business.
II: This time, Fingon states his feelings very clearly, in the face of Maedhros’s doubts.
Originally designed as a companion piece to Counting the Hours largely from Maedhros’ point of view, as the other story is largely from Fingon’s. (The original middle section has since been moved elsewhere in the series.)
Re warnings: "Graphic" really only applies to the beginning of Section I, I think.

Cabbages and the Embarrassment of Being Maedhros by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Mild)
Cabbages, because they are almost entirely unlike Silmarils...
Maedhros has been rescued from Angband by Fingon and has handed over the crown to Fingolfin. He recovers from his ordeals (more or less), sorts out things with his relatives (not quite), and departs with his brothers for points east. Later, after the Dagor Bragollach, he reviews the situation, considers giving up the struggle (not really), and is badly shaken by a presentiment of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Romance (Maedhros/Fingon) and in part a prequel to "Looking at the Stars", but also about Maedhros's relationship with Maglor, the "shadow of pain", etc.
Minor warnings: Non-graphic references to torture and swearing. Non-graphic descriptions of insanity and vomiting. Brief references to prayer.

The Military Relevance of Sewage by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Maedhros carries discretion to extraordinary lengths. In the Second Age, Elrond matches him for reticence.
Maedhros/Fingon slash, but sexual content only hinted at and off-stage.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Dawn Felagund. Thank you very much!

Praying for Lightning by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Mild)
A bit of pillow-talk between Maedhros and Fingon, framing memories of Araman, the Helcaraxe and Mithrim.
Fingon has to struggle to re-define himself twice, once when he learns what was really going on at Alqualonde, the second time when he realizes that their deepening love means that Maedhros and he have become mutually irreplaceable to each other and what that might entail. Each time, Maedhros turns out to be part of the solution as well as part of the problem.
P.S. In the last update I changed the title, summary and notes. No changes to story.

Racing Down the Mindon by Himring
Warnings: Expletive Language
As tensions are rising between the factions of Feanor and Fingolfin in Tirion, Celegorm comes to see his brother Maedhros at the palace.
Very kindly nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Angelica; it won Third Place in the category: "Character Study: House of Finwë".

A Copper Band by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
The copper circlet that Maedhros wore in Valinor had been made by Curufin. After their arrival in East Beleriand, Curufin offers to replace the lost circlet by a new one. The ‘copper band’ is also Maedhros himself, trying to tie people together with varying success.
From the viewpoint of Curufin, because in previous stories I’d basically written him off as ‘hard to read’. He and Maedhros agree to disagree about the abdication business.
With a brief glimpse of Celebrimbor and some foreshadowing of later events.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Hallbera. Thank you very much!

Helevorn: Consider Water by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Noldorin prince attempts meditation technique.
Obviously not for purists, although I'm sure the Noldor were capable of coming up with such things without Buddhist influence.
Mature Themes: meditation can be a somewhat hazardous business.

A Bit of a Bore by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Boredom, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder
Maedhros receives a series of messengers from Fingon.
Warnings: gratuituous mention of missing socks and burnt porridge.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Lyra. Thank you very much!

All the Answers by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Maedhros and Maglor each answer a question at the Mereth Aderthad.
"Musician" was a stand-alone, until I decided to pair it with "A Word In". The two parts are rated differently: see Chapter Notes.

A Bridge in Dor-lomin by Himring
Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Maedhros thinks that he's had time enough to get over his feelings for Fingon. It turns out that he has not. At first he's disappointed, then he makes a discovery.
Told from Fingon's point of view.
For Oshun, because I re-read her biography of Fingon and realized I'd left something out.

Eminently Unsuitable by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
It is reported in the Silmarillion that when Finrod Felagund first met the people of Beor, he had been hunting with Maedhros and Maglor, but had parted from them because he was “wearied of the chase”. According to this story, that was the official explanation given out for his abrupt departure but what in fact had happened was that he had a conversation with Maedhros that first surprised, and then upset him...
The “eminently unsuitable” person of the title is Fingon, of course, but as the story is told from Finrod’s point of view, this is not explicitly stated anywhere.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Hallbera. Thank you very much!

Dwarvish Thinking by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Maedhros negotiates with Azaghal and accepts his offer of a dragon-proof helmet for Fingon. Fingon turns out to be less than enthusiastic about Maedhros's gift.
My take on the early history of the Dragon Helm of Dor-lomin.
Now added: Bonus drabble: A Matter of Helmets (Maedhros & Azaghal, gen)

An Intense Dislike of Elves by Himring
Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Amlach seems to be the only one of the early Edain who is explicitly said to have entered the service of Maedhros, so he may have been the first of Men to do so and he may have gone to Himring alone. This story imagines the feelings of an Adan who originally opposed the Eldar and now finds himself spending his life among them, all on his own.
It also tries to answer the question why he picked Maedhros specifically as his prospective leader and whether Maedhros fulfilled his expectations.
I decided it might just about fit the Follow the Leader challenge.

Pink Biscuits by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Maedhros: grim, driven, ruthless, manipulative...
Yes, all that. With a slight difference.
(Slashiness faint and subdued)

The West Wind Quartet by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Emlinn, a Sinda, becomes Maglor's student and experiences the end of the Siege of Angband and the Battle of Sudden Flame.
Now added: Bonus chapter: Like a Friendly Touch Among the Crowd (ft. Elrond).
Illustrated by Alasse for B2MeM 2012: see link at end of Chapter Two!
Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Angelica. It won a Honorable Mention in the category "Elves: House of Finwë" and a Smaug's Treasure award.

West Wind Blowing by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
During the Bragollach, a respite in the attack on Himring allows the brothers to voice private regrets and fears.
This would be a songfic, except I wrote the lyrics myself. In other words, I wrote first a poem and then a ficlet to serve as a setting for it. The piece is also closely connected with my unfinished story "The West Wind Quartet" without actually being part of it.

Poor Visibility by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
On his first visit to Barad Eithel after the Dagor Bragollach, Maedhros believes he has lost Fingon's friendship. He encounters Morwen and talks to her about Beren.
Covers a couple of episodes told at the beginning of Looking at the Stars from Fingon's point of view as seen from Maedhros's point of view. As part of the series, this is Maedhros/Fingon, but obviously at this point...
Mature Themes: grief and alcohol.

Wish Fulfilment by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Once again, Maedhros steals a boat, but this time he's got Fingon with him.
Fingon/Maedhros, but nevertheless Teens (anything else must be supplied by your own imagination...)

Uldor by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Graphic)
This is the story of the unequal friendship between Maedhros and Uldor and its bitter end in betrayal and death, told from Uldor’s point of view.
It does not say anywhere that they were friends that I know of, but it seemed a reasonable explanation to me of what happened before Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Otherwise, wouldn’t the sons of Feanor have to have been a bit slow on the uptake or the sons of Ulfang fiendishly clever?
Like the rest of the series, this is, strictly speaking, Maedhros/Fingon, but it is possible to ignore that aspect of it (Uldor himself never guesses), so I’m not marking it.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Angelica and won Third Place in Races: Cross-Cultural: General. Thank you very much to Angelica and to everyone who reviewed it for the MEFAs!
Now illustrated by the wonderful Alasse:

It Seems You Do by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Setting: A fortified manor in the south of Hithlum. Time: Before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Maedhros arrives from Dorthonion to find out how Fingon's negotiations with Orodreth are progressing. Proceedings that evening are only slightly disrupted by the machinations of a pair of cats and a lot of weather. However, when Orodreth's final answer eventually arrives, his refusal to join the alliance represents a more serious challenge.

The Knot by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Maedhros and Fingon alone together the last time before the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.
Could be interpreted as my response to the "bodice ripper" and as such should perhaps be classified as Adult, except actually...
Maedhros / Fingon, obviously.

A Long Time Falling by Himring
Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Maedhros and Maglor decide to surrender to Eonwe to be put on trial back in Valinor. And then, at the last moment, they don't. Framing Maglor's memories of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and the attacks on Doriath and the Havens of Sirion (or rather, mostly, the discussions among the brothers that led up to those attacks).
Maedhros/Fingon slash (very mild here). Definitely not Maedhros/Maglor slash; however, the subject is raised and the (false) accusation made by others in the story, so if this worries you, please regard yourself as warned.
Also, Maedhros's suicide isn't explicitly told, but strongly hinted at, so has been marked.
This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Lyra. Thank you very much!

The Walls on Amon Ereb by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
After the Fall of Doriath, the surviving sons of Feanor retreat to Amon Ereb. Maedhros is haunted by memories of Caranthir and a promise he made to Nerdanel. Amrod persuades him to leave.
Tweaks to canon (compare end-notes).
Although the death of Caranthir and the battle of Menegroth precede the events described in the story, they are remembered in some detail and so have been marked in the Warnings.

A Walk in the Forest, an Evening by the Fire by Himring
Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Mature Themes
In East Beleriand: Elrond gets upset and runs away. Maedhros comes and finds him in the woods. Maedhros ends up being given a new name. Later, Elrond and Elros learn lessons and pretend not to--why? Finally, Elrond, now in Gil-galad's camp, learns of Maedhros' death by his own means.

The Pity of Living Things by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Elros tells his grandson a story about Maedhros.
Not fluffy. Warning for violence towards insects.

Down. Out. Up. by Himring
Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
What I was not going to write, but did:
Down. What Maedhros thought as he jumped.
Out. Up. Fingon takes Maedhros home to Tirion after his reincarnation. Finarfin insists on confronting him. Told from different points of view (Fingon, Finarfin and, briefly, Maedhros).
Now illustrated by Alasse!

Love is no argument by Himring
Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Violence (Mild)
Poem (or song lyrics) for two voices. Well, Fingon and Maedhros, obviously.
For International Poetry Month.

"Lilac" & other ficlets by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
An attempt at interior decoration leads to something else.
Now added: "Did the Earth Move...?" (another ficlet set in Valinor)

No Way You Can Fall by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Fingon braces himself to defy Namo for the sake of his love of Maedhros, but it turns out to be strangely unnecessary. Ages later in Tirion, there is a rather more dramatic confrontation, when Fingolfin finally suspects the reason why Fingon has immured himself in his house with the cousin he has recently retrieved from Lorien.
Mature Themes: Maedhros is gradually regaining his sanity under Fingon's care.
Nominated for the MEFAs 2011. Thank you very much, Lyra!

A Stiff Northern Breeze by Himring
Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes
During the time of the Siege of Angband, the princes of the Noldor meet once again in council, this time at Tol Sirion. Maedhros has a disturbing conversation with Orodreth, their host. He discusses Orodreth with Fingon, while they take a walk along the river.
A Christmas present for Alasse--Christmas 2010, that is. Only about two months late, that's almost punctual, for me... Thank you for the discussion of weather conditions in northern Beleriand, Alasse!
Now added: Engineering and Diplomacy (Fingon & Curufin, double drabble)

Nest-Building by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
An episode early in the exploration of Eastern Beleriand by the Sons of Feanor: Celegorm talks to a bird--and to his brother Maedhros.
Mature Themes: Very discreet allusion to torture.

Scent of Reality by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Huan and a recovering Maedhros on the shore of Lake Mithrim.
Written for the B2MeM 2011 challenge for 4 March (location: Mithrim; task: write about someone conquering their fears).
Also written on the suggestion of Alasse, following a conversation about dogs, smells, and Maedhros.
Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Robinka; it won a Smaug's Treasure award.

Shades of Optimism by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
The Sons of Feanor ask Thingol to hand over the Silmaril. Maedhros and Maglor discuss the wording of the letter.
B2MEM 2011, March 28: There was no avoiding it; the letter had to be composed...
Language could be considered mildly expletive by some.

A Crash Course in History by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Maedhros reads The Lord of the Rings (the Imladris edition).
In honour of Oshun, Biographer-in-Chief, on the occasion of her birthday.
Now a MEFA 2011 nominee. Thank you very much, Angelica!

One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drabbles in my 'Doom' series. Not necessarily gloomy!
100 words according to Word.
Last added: Deadlier.

In Time, Stronger than Silima by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
In Mandos, Namo wrestles with the temptation to cast Maedhros into the Outer Darkness.
With a vignette of Finrod and Celegorm and a couple of thoughts on Luthien.
Warning: High levels of angst.
Very generously nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Elleth; it won Third Place in the category: "Cross-Cultural: Elder Days".

View From the Top by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
In the halcyon days of Dor-lomin before the Evil Breath, Maedhros and Fingon go for a walk together in the mountains.
Dedicated to the bee-keepers of the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

The House that Fingon Built by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Some time about the end of the Fourth Age, Fingon leaves Mandos, returns to Tirion and learns of the Second and Third Kinslayings and Maedhros's suicide. He finds a way of dealing with it.
Includes flashbacks to Fingon's youth in Valinor and touches on his thoughts about the end of the Nirnaeth.
Sexual content: hardly any. Warnings for references to cow pastures, puff pastry and the perfect tea pot. For the rest, see summary.

Something Un-Feanorian by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Elrond has a posthumous conversation with Maedhros at the time of the Fall of Eregion.
With glimpses of Elros and of the Third Kinslaying.
Now added: The Decision (gapfiller for the main story, Elrond's POV)

Onlooker by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
A short time after Fingon has handed over his realm of Dor-lomin to Hador Lorindol of the Edain, there is a gathering of Noldorin princes in Barad Eithel, the dwelling of Fingolfin and his son Fingon. Fingon's cousin Maedhros attends the gathering.
Unrequited (pre-requited) Maedhros/Fingon, mostly implied.

Sunrise Before I Ever Saw the Sun by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Scenes featuring Maedhros and Fingon in Valinor, set during the Years of the Trees.
Now added: "The Bear Incident".

A Length Of Ribbon by Himring
Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
The fate of a bit of blue-and-silver ribbon before and after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Just and Equitable Government by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
In Mithrim, during Maedhros’s time of recovery, Maglor appears one evening at Fingolfin’s camp and asks Fingon to return to Maedhros’s side. On his way back to the Feanorian camp, Fingon remembers the incident that made him stay away. When he finally reaches his cousin, it turns out that there was something Maglor had failed to mention.
With a vignette of Fingon on the quays of Alqualonde.
Warnings for aftermath of torture (Thangorodrim) and violence (Alqualonde) as per canon.
(Fingon/Maedhros; not explicit)

Bits of Elven Glass by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
This is an attempt to weave the different accounts of the making and the history of the Elessar into a coherent narrative.
Now added: intervening chapter on Gil-galad.

Waste Paper by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Maedhros has been re-embodied and is living in Findekano's house in Tirion. But where is Nerdanel?
Maedhros is suffering from the worst kind of writer's block. In some ways, it turns out, he is not so very different from his mother.
[Now added: a fourth chapter]

"Utulie n'aure!" & Other Poems by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes
Three poems written about the Sons of Feanor for Poetic Forms prompts during B2MeM 2012, now posted here for (American) National Poetry Month.
"Utulie n'aure": Maedhros on the Nirnaeth and the death of Fingon (sonnet).
Also a haiku (Maglor) and a tanka (Maedhros to Elwing).

More Than One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short pieces that are not true drabbles and are part of my Maedhros series.
Now added: Fingon Toasts the Stars (free verse)

Maedhros and the Gardener by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Fingon's gardener and his reactions to the invasion of his garden by a son of Feanor. Set in Tirion, a short time after Maedhros's re-embodiment.

A Homecoming at the End of Time by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
In the far distant future, Maglor returns to Valinor.

The Bird In A Cage by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Of the House of Finwe, Aredhel may be the one who most values personal freedom--and nevertheless we see her spending long periods confined: first to Gondolin, then to Nan Elmoth. This is a story about Aredhel's choices.
Part I is the story of her last meeting with her cousin Maedhros before she departed for Gondolin, Part II deals with later events in Vinyamar, Gondolin and Nan Elmoth.
Includes vignettes of Aredhel and Maedhros in Valinor, glimpses of Turgon, and Maedhros's thoughts on a number of matters, including Losgar.

The Crossing of Celon by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Sartandur is one of the servants of Celegorm who left the sons of Dior (Elured and Elurin) to die in the forest in revenge for the death of their master. Maedhros, son of Feanor, Celegorm's brother, is searching the woods of Doriath, trying to find the boys and rescue them. With the remaining Feanorians, Sartandur is waiting for Maedhros's return.

Gold Thread by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Fingon used to wear gold braided into his hair. How did that come about?

The Chief in a Village by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Fingon wanders in Eastern Beleriand and comes across a long-lost relative.
Main story followed by extras:
Interlude - Evening, featuring Erien (OFC) thinking about Fingon and Gil-galad.
A Dog Called Mellon, recounting a small incident at Gil-galad's court in Lindon.
The small rain down can rain, featuring Fingon and a very young Gil-galad. (new)

The Walls Will Serve by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
A series of three vignettes, set beside the springs of Little Gelion below Himring Hill:
i. Maedhros decides to build a fortress on Himring Hill (Maedhros, original characters)
ii. After the Dagor Bragollach, Maedhros shows Himring to his cousin (Maedhros/Fingon)
iii. In the Second Age, Elrond visits Tol Himling (Elrond, Arminas, Erestor)

Learning to Live in the Dark by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes
After the death of Feanor, Celebrimbor confronts Maedhros about the Oath.

And Soon It Will Be Morning by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
In Himring, a night ends.

A Powerful Illusion by Himring
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes
Fingolfin has called a council and proposed launching an all-out attack on Morgoth. He expects Maedhros to be the most ardent supporter of his plan. He would, wouldn't he?
Uncanonical: see Story Notes

"A Song About Kingfishers" & "Kingfisher in Flight" by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Young Maedhros, baby Maglor and a drawing.
Now added: a sequel about Nerdanel, her elder son and the lost drawing (Kingfisher in Flight)

"The Glory in 'Glorious'" and "Singer of Praises" by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
After the early victory against Morgoth called the "Glorious Battle" (Dagor Aglareb):
I. The Fingolfinians and the Feanorians first encounter each other after their shared victory.
II. Later, at the victory celebrations, Fingon misses his cousin Maglor and seeks him out.

To See The Cherry Hung With Snow by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Maedhros and Fingon and a cherry tree: first in Mithrim and later in Valinor, outside the gates of Lorien.
Now added: Take Two: The Fell Winter

Neighbourly Relations by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
In Beleriand, the newly assigned territory of Angrod and Aegnor borders on the territory of the cousins who betrayed them.
From the time of settlement to their death in battle, what were the relations between Angrod and Aegnor and their cousin Maedhros, son of Feanor?
Now added: "First Meeting" (Aegnor/Andreth). A related ficlet.

Maedhros Attempts To Speak With Luthien by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Some conversations are not meant to take place.

The Stars over Aglon by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Fingon on his way to Himring--and in Himring--and on his way back.

Even More About Maedhros by Himring
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Collection for slightly longer pieces featuring Maedhros.
Now added: Land of Mist (Maedhros, Fingon)

A Minor Act of Reparation by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
Maedhros unexpectedly is offered a chance to make up to the Teleri for the loss and destruction of the swan ships, but what precisely is it they want of him?

Halcyon Days by Himring
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Fingon and Maedhros en route on their way to visit Hurin in Dor-lomin.

Maglor Plays For His People After Doriath by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
The Feanorians have retreated to Amon Ereb after the Fall of Doriath. The first night after their arrival, they assemble in the hall, waiting for Maglor to play for them.
Includes a flashback to Maglor's encounter with Daeron at the Mereth Aderthad.

Under the Evening Star by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes
The first sighting of Gil-Estel by the Sons of Feanor.
Slightly canon-divergent.

The heart, it hides unimaginable things by Himring
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
One night in Mithrim, Maglor helps Maedhros through a panic attack.

The Songs: A Story of East Beleriand by Himring
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
In the early days of the Noldorin settlement in East Beleriand, an ominous arrival disturbs the peace of mind of Maedhros and his people.

Comfort Food by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Breakfast with the Feanorians, late in the First Age.
For Oshun's request: I can never find too many stories of the family of Elrond, Elros, Maglor and Maedhros. Write me another one!

A Woodcarver from Brithombar by Himring
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Oderen, a traveling woodcarver, one of Cirdan's people, and Emlinn, his musician wife, happen to arrive in Maglor's Gap just a short time before the outbreak of the Battle of Sudden Flame. Maglor encounters Emlinn and takes her on as his student.

Scope of Imagination by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
As Maedhros and Maglor sit together quietly on an evening in Eastern Beleriand, Maglor remembers a conversation he once had in Valinor and it sets off a train of thought.

A long ripple of notes by Himring
Warnings: No warnings apply
Before the Fall of Eregion, a minstrel who once was taught by Maglor is asked to revive a performance of his songs in the Hall of the Jewel-smiths in the presence of Celebrimbor.

Your Face in the Water by Himring
Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
At the Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reunion, plenty is always going on: so many people, so many encounters and interactions, tensions and forging of friendships .
That night, in this moment, in this little corner of Mereth Aderthad, nothing happens. Almost nothing. But it fails to happen with some intensity.