More Than One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring
Fanwork Notes
The series as a whole is Maedhros/Fingon.
For warnings see chapter notes.
(Having realized that "Fingon Toasts the Stars" actually fits the "Wish Upon a Star" challenge, which has just come up again, I've now sneakily tagged it, pretending I remembered this when I wrote it.)
Fanwork Information
Summary: Short pieces that are not true drabbles and are part of my Maedhros series. Now added: Fingon Toasts the Stars (free verse) Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Fingon, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Wish upon a Star Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 11 | Word Count: 1, 997 |
Posted on 7 May 2012 | Updated on 22 May 2016 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Maedhros ponders the question of free will
Characters: Maedhros, Fingon
Rating: Teens
Warnings: mild sexual content, mature themes.
At the time it seemed so obvious to me which b2MeM prompts and posts I was reacting to here that I didn't record it. Now I can't find them... Anyway, the prompts were none of mine.
Before and after the Nirnaeth: a legacy.
Characters: Fingon, Maedhros, Elros, Elrond
Written for Elleth, in response to her cinquain A Moment After Rain.
Warnings: none.
A Maedhros/Fingon fade-to-grey.
Warnings: moderate sexual content (not very explicit: see fade-to-grey).
Rating: Teens-ish.
Too many, too much...
Originally written for Aliana's Bad Sex Challenge--but only sort of.
Rating: Teens
Fingon's POV
Maedhros is trying, he really is. But the past gets in the way.
Characters: Maedhros and Elrond.
Written for B2MeM 2013--well, sort of.
Rating: Teens.
Warning: mature themes
Maedhros's POV
More about love than about death, but ultimately about both.
Maedhros's POV
Rating: Teens
Warning: mature themes
Maedhros experiences the arrival of early spring in Lothlann, just after the foundation of Himring.
Gen. No warnings.
Set in Valinor after Maedhros's re-embodiment.
Angst, hurt/comfort
Sometimes more is less.
Mild Hurt/Comfort (Maedhros/Fingon)
On one of the less often considered disadvantages of being the lover of Maedhros the Tall.
Humorous fluff originally written and posted (on LiveJournal) as a birthday present for Havisham (Agelast).
Rating: Teens (mild sexual content).
Fingon, by himself, musing on the night sky, glass in hand.
Actually less than one hundred words (despite the title of the series) and also in free verse, but it seemed to fit here better than in any of the other collections.
Rated Teens on other archives, for not very tangible reasons to do with mood.
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