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|Preferred Name: Ysilmë
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Member since 20 August 2013.
About Me
Middle-aged, German, Tolkien lover since I first read the Hobbit at age 10 and LotR soon afterwards, and many times again since then. I've started delving deeper into Tolkien's other works when I came into the online fandom in 2012, with the Silmarillion quickly taking over as my favourite.
I'm mainly writing transformative and fanfic, did some translations from English into German and vice versa in my first fandom online, and also create the occasional podfic and artwort. My fanworks can be found on the AO3 and Squidgeworld.
Tolkien's elves throughout the ages fascinated me right from the start, but my heart lies in Second and early Third Age, with a soft spot for Elrond and the people close to him.
A note about the images I'm using or have provided for others to use:
I take great care to not violate any copyrigths with my fandom participation, be it with my writing, podficcing, artwork, or activities in communities.
The icons I'm using are either made from own images, images in the public domain, or clearly state the owner and permisson I got.
The banners I made for the use of others or which I'm using myself are all made from my own images and photos, or imagesin the public domain. In the case of photographed people, I have either permission to photograph them, or the person is not recognisable.