Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
The Silmarillion explores the early histories of Arda's people, a time when they would have necessarily been forming the technologies that would later aid them in building their civilizations. From the mundane to the complex, Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Ainur (and any other races that you wish to consider) would have been busy with invention.
This month's challenge asks authors to consider an item or technology and to describe its invention by the people of Arda. The invention may be simple or complex. How did the Eldar invent the dinner fork? Or when did the Edain first make use of agriculture? What about the palantíri, galvorn, limpë or any other of the myriad imaginary technologies we encounter in Tolkien's stories? Stories may be serious or humorous, based in canon or speculation as far as your imagination can wander.
This challenge opened in .
Finwe and Elwe discuss descriptive language and wine in those first days at the Cuivienen. (For the SWG "Inventions" challenge.)