Comfort Food by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

For Oshun's request from the SWG Block Party Wish List.

Also, obviously, for the Comfort Food (Block Party) prompt, although you may find the title is grossly misleading.

This is on the PG side of General, with some allusions to a darker background.

Features my OFC Narye, ex-housekeeper of Himring

Fanwork Information


Breakfast with the Feanorians, late in the First Age.

For Oshun's request: I can never find too many stories of the family of Elrond, Elros, Maglor and Maedhros. Write me another one!

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor, Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Block Party

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 465
Posted on 27 April 2020 Updated on 27 April 2020

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Comfort Food

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Thank you so much for contributing a food story at the moment since cooking, baking, and feeding people was my initial attempt at distracting myself from the plague while locked down and living in terror of the world around me. 

Poor Maedhros who needs to be coaxed to eat food that is less than appetizing! I love the part where he does manage to force himself through a desire to show appreciation to those who are trying to help him by using a form of self-hypnosis. His kindness to others while feeling truly awful is also appropriate to the current situation.


Thank you very much, Oshun!

I am glad that you find the themes of my story resonate with you and your feelings in the present situation!

I am aware, of course, that generally you prefer to think of the Feanorians in that period as being better off and also Maedhros feeling rather better than he does here.

But it is good to know that this ficlet spoke to you, at this time, nevertheless!

Maedhros is not eating enough; it's not just about breakfast. It's partly because of his struggle with depression and partly because of wanting the two kids especially, and everyone else, also, to have a larger share of what is available.

Narye is going to make sure that Elrond gets lots of baked goods with cinnamon, later in Rivendell! But I really appreciate that you wanted to give him a taste of cinnamon right away! Deliveries to Beleriand from the South have been disrupted for quite some time, since before Elrond's birth, even, as Cirdan's attention has had to be focused elsewhere.

Yes. They are keeping each other going, not just the brothers each other, but the whole remaining group who have come so far with them. (And even the children, now.)

It is a real comfort.

But not quite an unmixed blessing. Because of course the brothers are aware that they have led the rest into this situation.