The Chief in a Village by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

The text of this multi-chaptered story has been finished for a while, as such, and has been posted on my LiveJournal in eleven instalments. I'm still mulling over things like summaries, notes and chapter titles, however, so these may still be subject to change. I decided to go ahead and start posting here anyway... [ETA: I ended up not making any of those changes, but later added a series of bonus ficlets.]

Some bits were first written for B2MeM prompts.

Please note (re warnings and genre labels) that the chapters of this story can vary a great deal in subject matter and tone.

Fanwork Information


Fingon wanders in Eastern Beleriand and comes across a long-lost relative.

Main story followed by extras:

Interlude - Evening, featuring Erien (OFC) thinking about Fingon and Gil-galad. 

A Dog Called Mellon, recounting a small incident at Gil-galad's court in Lindon. 

The small rain down can rain, featuring Fingon and a very young Gil-galad. (new)

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Angrod, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Gil-galad, Lalwen, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Humor, Romance

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 14 Word Count: 17, 535
Posted on 15 December 2012 Updated on 31 December 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Feanor Disrupts Gathering Female Relatives Refuse To Attend

This chapter is set during the days of rising tension between Feanor and Fingolfin in Tirion and, apart from the usual suspects, also features Lalwen, Finwe's second daughter, as well as, briefly, Angrod and his wife.

Quenya names: Characters: Angarato (Angrod), Eldalote (Edhellos), Feanaro (Feanor), Findekano (Fingon), Irime (Lalwen), Maitimo (Maedhros), Nolofinwe (Fingolfin)

Fingon Has the Blues.

In Beleriand: Turgon, Aredhel and Idril have left for Gondolin, so Fingon is left to deal with his father's reaction.

Quenya names: Turukano=Turgon, Feanaro=Feanor,  Angarato=Angrod, Aikanaro=Aegnor, Pityo and Telvo=Amrod and Amras, Findarato=Finrod, Nolofinwe=Fingolfin

A Visit with Amras and Amrod

Fingon is welcomed by Amrod and Amras. A conversation he has with Amras almost makes him change his mind. Nevertheless he insists on heading off into the forest alone.

Being In Tune With Nature Is Sometimes Overrated

'What is likely to happen?' asked Fingon and headed off into the Wild East. Well, you could tell he was in for a nasty surprise, couldn't you?

(Are you one of those people who think Noldor aren't in tune with nature? Don't count on it.)

Warning for violence towards the end of the chapter.

This Part Has Too Many Dead People In It

Fingon follows the trail of a horde of orcs in Eastern Beleriand and meets someone he had not expected to meet.

(Warning:  note chapter title!)

The Failure of the Feminist Agenda in Beleriand

Lalwen (Irime) is said to have followed her brother Fingolfin to Beleriand but we don't seem to hear of her arriving there or indeed doing anything at all in Middle-earth. Tolkien being Tolkien, this doesn't actually need explanation but I'm not the first to try and explain it anyway..

Warning for character death in this chapter.

Fluff Among the Ruins

Fingon finds a baby-sitter and gives Gil-galad his epesse Ereinion.

Enough Exposure to Last a Lifetime

Having gone AWOL, Fingon unexpectedly returns to Barad Eithel with bad news and a baby. Confronting his father represents a serious challenge to his social competence.

Just Show Me the Way to the Nearest Balrog

Fingon has failed rather spectacularly to communicate Gil's true parentage to his father. Will he do better at the second attempt?

Break Out the Violins

So Fingon disappears somewhere in East Beleriand and reappears in Barad Eithel, producing an heir like a rabbit out of a hat. What does Maedhros think about all this? And what about that woman Fingon was supposedly going to marry?

Gil-galad meets Maedhros

Originally written for Keiliss on the occasion of her birthday

A glimpse of the end of a day during Gil-galad's early childhood, before he was sent to Cirdan.

Set  a short time after the end of "Chief in a Village".

Characters: Erien (OFC), Gil-galad (Ereinion), Fingon, Maedhros, and Tevildo the Seventh (an original cat character)

Rating: Teens (PG), for Mature Themes

Fixed length: 4 x 100 words in MS Word



A small incident at Gil-galad's court in Lindon.
On elvish memory and animals' life spans.

Warning for reference to death of a pet.

A glimpse of Fingon with a very young Gil-galad.
And of Gil-galad, remembering.

No warnings.

Comments on The Chief in a Village

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Thank you--I am very flattered!

There's more coming up--I haven't quite kept up with archiving, so there have been things written and posted to my blog on LiveJournal that I haven't managed to post here yet (not just the rest of this story, but a couple of shorter ones as well).

I hope you will enjoy those as well!

I'd somehow missed reading this on your LJ, but it's a treat to read here just as much. I've stayed up way past the time I'd intended because it captivated my attention so far that I forgot about the time, and don't think I'll go to bed before reading to the end of this.

I love all the minuscule details and psychological complexities that you've put into connection with the grander scale - diplomatic Maedhros, caustic Fëanor, Fingolfin's staid nature, Fingon's restlessness, the need for an heir and the reactions to Turgon and Aredhel's departure, it's (and I mean that in the best possible way!) like a fantastic layer cake of Noldorin psychology. I can't wait to read more! :D

Ah, and now that I've finally gotten around to reading the remaining chapters --- it's all so excellent, I'm afraid I can't even offer much intelligent commentary - but I enjoyed the fic immensely, the idea of the origin story that allows for Gil-galad being a (part-)Fingolfinian by blood (something that I hadn't realized how much I really cared for until I read your explanation) without being Fingon's son biologically... and then there is that last chapter, which is gut-wrenching in all the best possible ways.

Thank you so much for sharing it here. :)

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the story!

I have to confess that this version of Gil-galad's parentage is rather a case of having one's cake and eating it! But it also embodies something I have felt about Gil-galad, that in some ways he is very Fingolfinian but at the same time, somehow, an outsider among the Finweans. Of course, that could just be due to his later biography, but I have preferred here to imagine it was an element that was there from the start.

It is a rather improbable plot as such, of course, but I worked quite hard  to make it psychologically plausible, so I'm very pleased that that seems to have worked!

I wonder if I commented on this on your LJ. I remember it quite well. I would wish that I had thought of this idea myself, but then I would not have been able to write an OFC of whom I have grown quite fond. Also, no Maedhros and Fingon threesomes either. OK. I'm very happy he is not Orodreth's son (does that guy even really exist he feels like he got dropped into the story half-formed?). Recently Keiliss wrote something about Orodreth that made him feel like more of real character than he had before.

All that aside. It's a clever idea. It is such a fun and lovely story. I just wish it were longer and a lot more fleshed out. I am horribly greedy that way! My favorite segment is the last actually. Ah, Maedhros! Ah, Himring--you are breaking my heart with that last line!

Thank you very much, Oshun! You did comment on LJ. I'm happy you liked the story enough to read it again!

By my standards, this story is long and was a major effort! But I got a similar comment from Keiliss, I believe. Of course, you are both of you actually capable of writing novels, something that I can only admire. I think the Maedhros series by now has reached the word count of a short novel, but of course it isn't one.

Thank you very much!

I'm glad you like little Gil here and enjoyed my attempts at introducing a bit of comedy among all the grimness!

I think Gil-galad would eventually find out--it may not be possible to keep such a secret among Elves for ever--but Fingon would have had no real chance of telling him before he died, so I'm not entirely sure Gil found out while he was still alive in Middle-earth.

I'm glad you like Gil-galad's response!  

Even humans find their pets' lives wrenchingly short, although they are themselves brief as a candle flame to elves (or whatever that comparison in the Athrabeth was).

Tolkien has neatly dodged this issue, for the most part, for the horses he names: Shadowfax, Asfaloth, etc.

Thank you for reading and commenting!


I remember that I had planned on reading this story a long time ago, but then my last computer crashed, I lost my bookmarks, and I spent the last two years not remembering to come back to this website. In the meantime, you've completed the story.

What can I say that hasn't already been said? I really just love reading the stories you write, because you always write so beautifully. There is a visceral, physical feeling that I get while reading your prose that I'd describe as being caressed by a plethora of soft, light silks. I love that, even when you write from a character's perspective, you don't immediately allow that character to completely understand or form an opinion about their deepest thoughts--that you allow for their brains to process until the story or journey is near completion or some key experience or observation suddenly provides a revelation that results organically from the process of navigating thier story.

Also, you never seem to run out of new and interesting ideas or takes on the material. =-)

Thank you so much!

Those comments of yours really made my week, although I've been unable to respond until now.

So good to hear that you are still enjoying my writing, two years later!

The computer crash sounds bad. I hope you didn't lose other things more important than your SWG bookmarks!