A Powerful Illusion by Himring
Fanwork Notes
Silmarillion, ch. 18:
Now Fingolfin, King of the North, and High King of the Noldor, seeing that his people were become numerous and strong, and that the Men allied to them were many and valiant, pondered once more an assault upon Angband; for he knew that they lived in danger while the circle of the siege was incomplete, and Morgoth was free to labour in his deep mines, devising what evils none could foretell ere he should reveal them. This counsel was wise according to the measure of his knowledge; for the Noldor did not yet comprehend the fullness of the power of Morgoth, nor understand that their unaided war upon him was without final hope, whether they hasted or delayed. But because the land was fair and their kingdoms wide, most of the Noldor were content with things as they were, trusting them to last, and slow to begin an assault in which many must surely perish were it in victory or in defeat Therefore they were little disposed to hearken to Fingolfin, and the sons of Fëanor at that time least of all. Among the chieftains of the Noldor Angrod and Aegnor alone were of like mind with the King; for they dwelt in regions whence Thangorodrim could be descried, and the threat of Morgoth was present to their thought. Thus the designs of Fingolfin came to naught, and the land had peace yet for a while.
Clotho123, "An Essay on the Sons of Feanor":
This seems strange – they still had an unbreakable Oath to worry about after all [...]
Fanwork Information
Summary: Fingolfin has called a council and proposed launching an all-out attack on Morgoth. He expects Maedhros to be the most ardent supporter of his plan. He would, wouldn't he?
Uncanonical: see Story Notes Maedhros/Fingon Major Characters: Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, General, Romance Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 3, 230 |
Posted on 24 February 2013 | Updated on 24 February 2013 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
An earlier version of this chapter was first written as birthday fic for Oshun.
Warnings: for lost battles.
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