The Military Relevance of Sewage by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maedhros carries discretion to extraordinary lengths. In the Second Age, Elrond matches him for reticence.

Maedhros/Fingon slash, but sexual content only hinted at and off-stage.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Dawn Felagund. Thank you very much!

Major Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Lost Letters

Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 076
Posted on 31 January 2010 Updated on 31 January 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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If you haven't read any of the other stories in this series, it might help you to make sense of what is going on to know the following: in this version Maedhros fell in love with Fingon during the rescue from Angband, but Fingon didn't find out until after the death of Fingolfin. Also, the affair remains strictly secret and Maedhros thinks it's safer for Fingon if nobody finds out about it.


Comments on The Military Relevance of Sewage

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I have been looking forward to this since I first saw you had posted it! I really enjoyed it; the non-traditional way of telling the story and the characters that you draw so easily and so sharply. "Auntie Maedhros" indeed! :) Of course, the ending is wonderful, just when I was wondering where he was going with the military relevance of sewage.

Thank you!

When I read the Silmarillion the first time, I read Fingon and Maedhros as being simply friends, too, actually. This development, somehow, happened later...

I have written some stories that are rather more explicit than this one. But yes, I think there is sadness and humour in almost all of them, sometimes more of the sadness, sometimes more of the humour.

I think Erestor noticed something, probably, but can't at all pin down what it is that he has noticed. Maybe he will figure it out--or maybe he will forget he ever noticed anything.