Bits of Elven Glass by Himring
Fanwork Notes
As the different accounts of the Elessar in the History of Middle-Earth are not compatible with each other, this narrative is not canonical, but neither is it completely AU.
The title alludes to the sneering description of Aragorn's Elessar as a "piece of elvish glass" by the Mouth of Sauron in Return of the King.
Ratings: from General to Teens.
Warning for aftermath of torture in the Celebrian story.
I had been thinking about expanding the little glimpse of Earendil, but I've now decided that if my little Earendil series is ever completed, it will be independent, except for this small overlap.
Fanwork Information
Summary: This is an attempt to weave the different accounts of the making and the history of the Elessar into a coherent narrative. Now added: intervening chapter on Gil-galad. Major Characters: Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Enerdhil, Eärendil, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Gandalf, Gil-galad, Idril, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: B2MeM 2012, B2MeM 2013, B2MeM 2015 Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Mature Themes This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 5, 827 |
Posted on 12 April 2012 | Updated on 29 September 2019 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
In Formenos
Maedhros gives the first Elessar to Fingon and explains the circumstances and purpose of its making
[Obligatory name confusion: Curvo=Curufin, Feanaro=Feanor, Findekano=Fingon, Tyelpo=Celebrimbor]
[Now posted on AO3 with prologue and epilogue as "The Prototype"]
In Dor-lomin
Enerdhil and Celebrimbor's conversation in Nevrast: the making of the second stone.
[Posted on MPTT and AO3 as "Shared Knowledge"]
A childhood memory of Earendil's.
[This is also part of an incomplete Earendil series or WIP.]
Celebrimbor undermines Galadriel's rule in Eregion, but crafts the Elessar for her.
[Posted elsewhere as "Expectations"]
Originally written for B2MeM 2012 for the prompt: women of the Silmarillion defying expectations.
Fingon has fallen in battle, and the Havens of the Falas, where he sent Gil-galad to be kept safe, have fallen, too.
But there is still a gift to be passed on, a gift that encompasses a hope.
And Gil-galad keeps it until the end.
Posted elsewhere under the title: Unfading Memories of Green
Originally written for lferion, in response to a comment, and posted to AO3.
[The story features my recurring OFC Erien, who helped to raise Gil-galad.
Gil-galad's canonical death, at the end of the story, is strongly implied, but not described.]
Celebrian makes up her mind to sail; her arrival in Valinor.
Posted elsewhere as "Taking the Bruise".
Originally written for B2MeM 2013 (for details see end notes)
In Minas Tirith, while Aragorn is waiting for Midsummer and Arwen's arrival, Gandalf tells Aragorn more details about the history of the Elessar than he had previously been aware of.
Posted elsewhere as a separate ficlet under the title "Elessar"
Written for a B2MeM 2015 prompt by Baranduin (see end notes)
Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf, Pippin
Rating: General, no warnings
The Bequest:
After Aragorn's death, Arwen takes leave of one of her daughters.
Rating: Teens (references to canonical bereavement and aftermath of torture)
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