A Walk in the Forest, an Evening by the Fire by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

ETA: Alasse has recently done a striking drawing of Elrond--and she says in her drawing he looks as she imagines him in the final scenes of my story, at Gil-galad's camp!

See the drawing on LiveJournal here.

Another update: Alasse has now done a second related drawing: you can find them both in her collection on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20456276/chapters/48536480

Fanwork Information


In East Beleriand: Elrond gets upset and runs away. Maedhros comes and finds him in the woods. Maedhros ends up being given a new name. Later, Elrond and Elros learn lessons and pretend not to--why? Finally, Elrond, now in Gil-galad's camp, learns of Maedhros' death by his own means.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 767
Posted on 27 February 2010 Updated on 27 February 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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This story assumes that Elrond has inherited powers as a mind healer, which are undeveloped as yet. While he is not able to communicate mind-to-mind with other people normally at this point, he can pick up thoughts from people in special mental states. Since the fall of Doriath, Maedhros is in such a special mental state. Elros does not share Elrond's mental powers.

Comments on A Walk in the Forest, an Evening by the Fire

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Lovely story! I like very much to think about Elrond's relationship to Maedhros and Maglor.

But I think he imagines that there are dark hurtful secrets in our past that we aren’t revealing, obscure Feanorian transgressions.  There are no sinister Feanorian secrets, though. All Maedhros and Maglor’s crimes are public knowledge.

Beautifully put.

‘You've already thought of one? That was quick... Very polite of you, Elrond-I had expected something much less poetic... Thank you very much.'

Of course, I am absolutely dying to know what the name was that Elrond gave him.