A Minor Act of Reparation by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Set in Valinor, after Maedhros's re-embodiment

Some angst and references to canon violence. 

Background Maedhros/Fingon


Inspired by "Recalled to Life--Alqualonde" by Anna_Wing

Fanwork Information


Maedhros unexpectedly is offered a chance to make up to the Teleri for the loss and destruction of the swan ships, but what precisely is it they want of him?

Major Characters: Círdan, Eärwen, Fingon, Maedhros, Olwë

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 191
Posted on 22 November 2015 Updated on 22 November 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Minor Act of Reparation

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As always, I have been totally absorbed reading this- as absorbed as Meadhros, almost moving weith him, nodding ehre and there as he got it roght. I loved the note he made of the sea linking him and Maglor, and that his listening is what got it right. And he was not humiliated. 

The final scene is very very lovely.

Thank you so much, Ziggy! I'm glad you found this so absorbing that you were following Maedhros's thoughts as he was working things out!

Also, that that bit about the sea and Maglor made sense to you!

No, he was not humiliated--that he was willing to risk humiliation, in the end, proved enough.

*extremely short review*
I absolutely love this. The dynamic between Maedhros and Fingon (and Maedhros' dependence on Fingon especially) and Maedhros' characterization are both lovely. The last line about Maglor's wife is especially touching, and the connection between him and Maglor is beautifully written. I want to point out specific lines I love, but I've got to go study, so I'll just say that this is a very beautiful story and (I know I said this before but) I love this!

"He had seen the Great Sea as something that separated them completely, before, but tonight the thought that he and Maglor might both be listening to the sound of the waves together at the same time, although continents apart, seemed to bring a kind of comfort..."

See, now you've got me imagining that Maglor starts playing his harp across the water and he an Madhros go in for a rousing rendition of "Somewhere out there" XD

I'm not sure I could think of anything that could remotely amend the damage and rift between their respective peoples. But what's lovely is that it seems Olwe, Earwen and Cirdan and some of the Teleri are willing to forgive anyway, to move on, just on the thought alone that Maedhros would wish to make some reparation.

I really loved how Fingon took one look at him, saw he was a little distressed and knew what he needed. A little grounding. I love to see them this way. That they are so connected, know each other at a soul level. Its so beautiful.

This was quite moving.

Yes, they are willing to accept the intention and the gesture rather than actual amends that would be impossible to make.

A very long time has passed since the First Kinslaying at this point, as well, although of course elves have very long memories.


I'm glad you liked the scene in which Fingon comforts and grounds him!

Thank you!




This one had slipped from my mind, but as soon as the boatyard was mentioned I felt a warm sense of delight as I remembered how beautifully written it was, and how comforting.

My heart is so full for your Círdan here: kind, insightful, down-to-earth, honest. Patient.

I laughed at "A very unhappy goose with severe stomach ache."

And feel so much empathy for Maedhros' regret and desire to make good, and his uncertainty.

"Humiliation he could do in spades." Ai, poor lad!

"Fingon, studying his face, not the timber and tools scattered about him, said: 'I see.'" Is it possible for me to love your Fingon more?

And Círdan, noticing and stopping him when his emotions will get in the way, then quietly just showing him. He feels like a compassionate father-figure that was missing from Maedhros' life.

I totally love how he starts to hear the sea after that, as he accepts his feelings that he associated with it, and how for the first time he feels it connecting, not separating, him with his brother.

(I'm curious as to why his brothers (I'm assuming specifically Maglorand Curufin) "could not possibly be here"; is it that they would not be accepted by the Teleri at this point, or merely physical impossibilities, or something else?)

And as if its not enough to feel warm fuzzies spotting Elrond in the crowd, Maglor’s wife playing her flute...

Lovely! Thank you.