Scent of Reality by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Mithrim Passport StampSmaug's Treasure by Aranel Took


[Smaug's Treasure banner by Aranel Took]

Fanwork Information


Huan and a recovering Maedhros on the shore of Lake Mithrim.

Written for the B2MeM 2011 challenge for 4 March (location: Mithrim; task: write about someone conquering their fears).

Also written on the suggestion of Alasse, following a conversation about dogs, smells, and Maedhros.

Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Robinka; it won a Smaug's Treasure award.

Major Characters: Huan, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: B2MeM 2011

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 888
Posted on 9 March 2011 Updated on 9 March 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Scent of Reality

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There is so much to like about this story. I have always liked the idea of Huan a lot, although, strictly speaking, I am not a dog person. I also imagine him as a wolf hound.

Favorite section:

‘I suppose I am lucky, Huan, that you are not permitted to speak. Otherwise, I would be in for a lecture—would I not?—on my lack of true repentance and of proper gratitude?’

Huan opened his snout and yawned, showing an abundance of magnificent teeth and about a foot-length of narrow pink tongue. Then he leaned harder against Maedhros, almost causing him to topple over.

‘That has cut me down to size, hasn’t it? I’m simply not all that interesting.’

Maedhros gave Huan a slight push with his shoulder in order to right himself again. It felt like pushing against a furry rock. He thought: I am truly in a sorry state—I take it personally when a dog yawns at me! Huan may be a Hound of Orome, but he is still a dog. Dogs yawn.

I think I like best the part that shutting down one's sense would be one of the mental and physical responses to dealing with Angband. And that having one's sense of smell curtailed could make one's connection with reality tenuous.

A dog like Huan would be a great comfort I would think under the circumstances.

I'm happy to hear you like it! I'm very much a dog person myself, but try not to go be too obtrusive about it in my writing. However, when I was writing a story about the sense of smell, Huan seemed to be the obvious expert to call in. As for the importance of the sense of smell for one's connection to reality, I've come across articles that claim that we often use our sense of smell far more to orient yourself than we realize, even though it is comparatively poorly developed in humans.

Huan is certainly a wolf hound in the literal sense, a hound that hunts wolves, so I tend to imagine him also looking like an Irish wolf hound, only even larger.

I loved what you created (told you I would, didn't I?). I really liked the addition of Huan (laughed at the dog smell comment), and the idea that Maedhros closed off his senses to protect himself. Everything was painful for Maedhros and it's clear even in the description of Huan: furry rock. Also loved mother hen!Maglor :D

Hope our conversations keep inspiring you!

Dog magic is enough to pull Maedhros out of his panic and show the way to recovery! I love all the dog attitudes that you describe in Huan that are so, well, dog: the smell (stink, actually), the twitching nose, the yawning and that basic being there close to you in times of need that makes dogs so marvelous. (dog person review :D)

Can you imagine my joy when I go looking for a Huan and Maedhros bonding story and it actually exists? Haha, this story just made my night! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he'd make a good (giant) therapy dog!

I like the way you portray Maedhros, where he's feeling all these things (pain, terror, detached from reality) and pretty much just ignoring them, because he doesn't know what else to do. I also like how Huan subtly gets Maedhros to feel a bit more grounded in reality.