Scent of Reality by Himring
Fanwork Notes
[Smaug's Treasure banner by Aranel Took]
Fanwork Information
Summary: Huan and a recovering Maedhros on the shore of Lake Mithrim. Written for the B2MeM 2011 challenge for 4 March (location: Mithrim; task: write about someone conquering their fears). Also written on the suggestion of Alasse, following a conversation about dogs, smells, and Maedhros. Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Robinka; it won a Smaug's Treasure award. Major Characters: Huan, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: B2MeM 2011 Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 888 |
Posted on 9 March 2011 | Updated on 9 March 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
The lake was big and green. The shore was gravelly and hard. Maedhros, who had no flesh on his bones to cushion his backside, was most acutely aware of that gravel and its hardness. However, it was only one more pain beside others that seemed to have no intention of stopping, so he ignored it together with the rest. He should have been used to the cold of this land; he had been. Now he shivered in the three layers of cloaks that Maglor had insisted on draping around him before agreeing to accompany him outside.
He had sent Maglor away. He knew that, in fact, his brother was hovering only a little way behind him and keeping an eye on him, but that did not matter. What mattered was that, in his throat, orc words were boiling like bile, hot and acid. If Maglor had remained with him, he might have been in danger of spitting them out and he did not want Maglor to hear them. He swallowed them down once again and stared at the lake. It was big and, in current weather conditions, it looked green.
Always the same fear, even if it took many different shapes: the fear that Angband was the only truth and everything else, everything that had come before and that came after, was illusion and lies—the lake of Mithrim only a coat of green varnish shoddily smeared across the blackness that was Angband and Angband all that he had ever deserved or was fit for. The fear took many shapes, but today it was simply itself: stark terror constricting his chest and making it difficult to breathe. He hugged his knees closer and waited for panic to ease its grip. It probably would; eventually, so far, it always had.
An animal movement, just in the corner of his eye—for a moment, he knew it was a wolf. Then he corrected himself, exasperated: there would be no wolf in the Feanorian camp. This, of course, was Huan. Huan came up beside him and sat next to him, crouching down on his hind legs. Maedhros sensed coarse, springy fur and strong body heat all the way along his left arm and down to his hip, warming that side of him. Sitting, Huan was as tall as he—no, taller. He glanced at Huan, sideways.
‘I suppose I am lucky, Huan, that you are not permitted to speak. Otherwise, I would be in for a lecture—would I not?—on my lack of true repentance and of proper gratitude?’
Huan opened his snout and yawned, showing an abundance of magnificent teeth and about a foot-length of narrow pink tongue. Then he leaned harder against Maedhros, almost causing him to topple over.
‘That has cut me down to size, hasn’t it? I’m simply not all that interesting.’
Maedhros gave Huan a slight push with his shoulder in order to right himself again. It felt like pushing against a furry rock. He thought: I am truly in a sorry state—I take it personally when a dog yawns at me! Huan may be a Hound of Orome, but he is still a dog. Dogs yawn.
Huan got up in a leisurely sort of way, stretched himself thoroughly, and lay down right next to Maedhros again, looking across the lake. His nose twitched—and went on twitching, hard at work on the analysis of the smells and scents of Mithrim. Maedhros watched that twitching nose, wondered what kind of smells Huan was detecting and discovered that he himself smelled nothing at all. It was not that he could not smell anything in particular; his sense of smell was simply not functioning. Maybe this was, in part, the explanation for his difficulty in believing in the reality of the lake of Mithrim? Perhaps some of his senses had turned themselves off in self-defence in Angband, and his perception of his current surroundings was limited by this?
Maedhros shut his eyes and searched inside himself. Pain in his wrist, pain in his shoulder, pain in his back, pain in his side… Yes, yes, but that was not what he was looking for. He groped further, seemed to find something at the back of his head, focussed on it, inhaled, held his breath for a moment, exhaled and then inhaled again.
The first thing that hit his nose was a strong wave of honest-to-goodness dog smell. Stink, his mother would have said, in her forthright way. Beyond that came a whole potpourri of smells, of water and damp and green growing things, of drying fishing nets and of wood fires and… He felt overwhelmed and dizzy, trying to sort it all out.
‘It does not smell like Angband’, he said to Huan.
A short while later, Celegorm, puzzled, came looking for his dog. Catching a glimpse of Huan by the lake, he automatically pursed his lips to whistle for him, but Maglor quickly grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. Together they watched the pair on the gravelly beach, the huge wolf-hound and, huddled beside him in three thick woollen cloaks, their brother, his long limbs thin like the twigs of a birch broom, his scalp gleaming through red stubble. Almost as one, the dog and the elf lifted their heads and cautiously sniffed the air.
He was beginning to see different shades of green.
Chapter End Notes
The description of the lake as "big and green" takes off from Maglor's description in Oshun's story for the same challenge, "Fearless and Full of Himself".
(1) Comment by oshun for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
There is so much to like about this story. I have always liked the idea of Huan a lot, although, strictly speaking, I am not a dog person. I also imagine him as a wolf hound.
Favorite section:
‘I suppose I am lucky, Huan, that you are not permitted to speak. Otherwise, I would be in for a lecture—would I not?—on my lack of true repentance and of proper gratitude?’
Huan opened his snout and yawned, showing an abundance of magnificent teeth and about a foot-length of narrow pink tongue. Then he leaned harder against Maedhros, almost causing him to topple over.
‘That has cut me down to size, hasn’t it? I’m simply not all that interesting.’
Maedhros gave Huan a slight push with his shoulder in order to right himself again. It felt like pushing against a furry rock. He thought: I am truly in a sorry state—I take it personally when a dog yawns at me! Huan may be a Hound of Orome, but he is still a dog. Dogs yawn.
I think I like best the part that shutting down one's sense would be one of the mental and physical responses to dealing with Angband. And that having one's sense of smell curtailed could make one's connection with reality tenuous.
A dog like Huan would be a great comfort I would think under the circumstances.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
I'm happy to hear you like it! I'm very much a dog person myself, but try not to go be too obtrusive about it in my writing. However, when I was writing a story about the sense of smell, Huan seemed to be the obvious expert to call in. As for the importance of the sense of smell for one's connection to reality, I've come across articles that claim that we often use our sense of smell far more to orient yourself than we realize, even though it is comparatively poorly developed in humans.
Huan is certainly a wolf hound in the literal sense, a hound that hunts wolves, so I tend to imagine him also looking like an Irish wolf hound, only even larger.
(2) Comment by Alasse for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
I loved what you created (told you I would, didn't I?). I really liked the addition of Huan (laughed at the dog smell comment), and the idea that Maedhros closed off his senses to protect himself. Everything was painful for Maedhros and it's clear even in the description of Huan: furry rock. Also loved mother hen!Maglor :D
Hope our conversations keep inspiring you!
Re: (2) Comment by Alasse for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Thank you very much again for suggesting the story! I'm glad you enjoyed the result. I was perhaps a little less detailed in my description of the smells of Mithrim here than I thought I'd be, but my nose isn't nearly as good as Huan's!
(3) Comment by Erulisse for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
This was so nice. I love dogs, and Huan has a special place in my heart. To have him show the way for Maedhros to follow was just perfect.
- Erulisse (one L)
Re: (3) Comment by Erulisse for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Thank you very much! I love dogs myself--and in my experience, because they are mostly so down-to-earth themselves, they are very good at grounding others in moments of crisis. Huan is a special case, of course!
(4) Comment by Ellynn for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Very nice. I love the idea that Huan's presence helped Maedhros in healing.
Re: (4) Comment by Ellynn for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Glad you like the idea! It seemed to me that Huan was especially qualified to help Maedhros, so to speak, after undergoing a trauma like that.
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
(5) Comment by Robinka for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Oh, I loved the idea of Huan as a kind of therapy dog. Very touching and well written. Thank you :)
Re: (5) Comment by Robinka for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
I guess Huan was rather less cuddly than the average therapy dog, but a lot more intelligent! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
(6) Comment by Angelica for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Dog magic is enough to pull Maedhros out of his panic and show the way to recovery! I love all the dog attitudes that you describe in Huan that are so, well, dog: the smell (stink, actually), the twitching nose, the yawning and that basic being there close to you in times of need that makes dogs so marvelous. (dog person review :D)
Re: (6) Comment by Angelica for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Well, my dog is many sizes smaller than Huan, but when it comes to dogginess, it's not size that matters, is it? Except, of course, when like Luthien you want a ride--or if you need somebody to fight a huge insane wolf for you!
I'm so glad you enjoyed this!
(7) Comment by Athrabeth for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
Can you imagine my joy when I go looking for a Huan and Maedhros bonding story and it actually exists? Haha, this story just made my night! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he'd make a good (giant) therapy dog!
I like the way you portray Maedhros, where he's feeling all these things (pain, terror, detached from reality) and pretty much just ignoring them, because he doesn't know what else to do. I also like how Huan subtly gets Maedhros to feel a bit more grounded in reality.
Re: (7) Comment by Athrabeth for Scent of Reality [Ch 1]
I'm glad this story was there to be found when you went looking for it and that it worked for you!