Cowpats by Himring

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Fanwork Notes


Fanwork Information


Maedhros and Fingon have a distinctly unromantic conversation.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 311
Posted on 23 June 2012 Updated on 23 June 2012

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

A tyelpilin is apparently an Elvish silver coin (Qenya, on the authority of darthfingon and Pandemonium_213). What its exchange rate to pence would be, I have no idea--except that it would depend on which historical currency you were thinking of.

Comments on Cowpats

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That was just adorable.  I loved Fingon's effort to suppress his desire and the fact that it doesn't work.  And the tantalizing bit of the story you give there makes me want the rest of Glorfindel's embarrassment.  Did you write that piece somewhere else?  (Because you're worth it -- snort!)

Thank you, Elfscribe!

All this is still quite new to Fingon at this point (the siege of Himring during the Bragollach is still a recent event), but his feelings aren't really going to change all that much over time. Maedhros is better at suppressing his emotions (he's had a lot of practice), but he's actually feeling rather giddy; you can tell by the way he's reacting to Fingon's story!

No, I haven't written the rest of Glorfindel's embarrassment, at least not yet. Rather sneakily, I figured I'd just write throw out hints and let the readers' imagination do my dirty work for me. I suspected that they'd come up with so much worse than I could actually write!

I think you have officially replaced Ithilwen as my favorite Maedhros/Fingon writer, although to be fair, you do have the advantage that Doom, Gloom and Maedhros is ongoing, whereas The Madhros Saga ended a while ago.

...and you've written another sqeeworthy ending, too.

Thank you! It is an honour to be compared to Ithilwen!

Her Maedhros Saga is carefully organized, it seems to me, and the stories included in it are rather like chapters of a novel. My first story in the series was originally written as a one-off. The series snow-balled from there and, half the time, I just followed the plot bunnies wherever they happened to take me. But that does mean there is no real reason for the series to stop at any particular point until I run out of steam or ideas!

Also, I'm delighted you like the ending of this story!