The heart, it hides unimaginable things by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

For the Sirens and Songstresses challenge.

My prompt was this:

Florence and the Machine - Sky Full of Song Video | Lyrics

I used elements from both the lyrics and the video, but extremely selectively.

Sorry, no female characters in this one.


Warnings for aftermath of torture and mental health issues.

Fanwork Information


One night in Mithrim, Maglor helps Maedhros through a panic attack.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Sirens and Songstresses

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 842
Posted on 28 April 2019 Updated on 28 April 2019

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The heart, it hides unimaginable things

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Thank you very much, Oshun!

I'm glad you think it works well, even if it is painful! I do try to include slivers of hope.

If you tell Dawn that you would like a Florence and the Machine song for this challenge, I'm sure she'll find a good one for you.

Have you seen Hrymfaxe's drawing of Haleth yet? It was for Adele's Skyfall and is very moving.

I think the story captures the spirit of the song perfectly - never mind the details!

I loved the interaction between the brothers - how Maglor knows exactly (by now) how to help Maedhros, rather than exacerbate the situation. Maedhros' pain and his anger at himself were so painful. I do hope the next night will be better for him. And the next, and the next...

Thank you very much!

It is very good to hear that the story captures the spirit of the song! Especially as I suspect that you might have been the one who chose it as a prompt for this challenge, to begin with, although it was Dawn who then picked it out for me?

I do think the next night will be better! But meanwhile it's a good thing that Maglor is keeping an eye on things, just in case...