Fugue by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Warnings for Feanorian greywash.

Under other circumstances I would have preferred the reader to work out by themselves what this piece's attitude to Elwing is, but the debate has raged so strongly recently in some quarters that I would like to state in advance that it is not intended as anti-Elwing. However, I also have had this piece in my head for a considerable time before I managed to write it down, that is, since before the latest round of that particular debate began.

An additional warning for hypothetical gratuitous violence towards Eonwe.

Also, not one hundred per cent canonical, but perhaps defensible.

Fanwork Information


Maedhros faces Elwing at the Havens of Sirion.
Chiefly from Maedhros's point of view.

With a cameo of little Elrond taking charge.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elwing, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 345
Posted on 26 May 2017 Updated on 26 May 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Fugue

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I really liked this. I think you portrayed the irrational fear that came over Elwing during this particular event quite well. The debate rages about her but we can't know what any of us would do in that circumstance. Maedhros memory of the kitten in Tirion was so poignant and I love how you juxtaposed his smile with how Elwing saw it. Perception is everything. 

Thank you very much!

Yes, perception is everything--or at least counts for a lot. I'm glad that Elwing's reaction seemed convincing to you!

It is difficult to know what anyone else would have done in those circumstances, yes. Also, we don't even have all the details and different fan writers do interpret what canon gives us quite differently.

I think you balance the pro/anti-Elwing sides quite believably. She has a truth to herself, surely, but it's not the entire truth. As a fellow sinner when it comes to Feanorean greywash, I deeply enjoyed reading this from Maedhros's perspective. I especially liked how his thoughts wandered on and off the actual situation, how his mind brought wild and irrealistic (or sometimes outstanding) visions in his head, just as comparing Elwing to a kitten. (And remembering that he used to be someone who rescued kittens).

I loved (I mean, really hated, but when it comes to evaluating your work, 100% LOVED) how the image of Amrod's and Amras's death recurred at certain moments. I also loved how Maedhros intended to help, right until the last moment, despite knowing that no one would believe his good intentions. It was also a good idea to show a few moments from Elwing's perspective... well, I admit I would really enjoy reading this scene from the other way around (perhaps as a chapter 2).. all along from Elwing's eyes. It could be a great emphasis on this scene, because even if Maedhros cherishes benevolent thoughts, he must look horrid to the eyes of the outsider. I think. (I'm not saying that your work misses this perspective, only that I'd have enjoyed more of it).

I also really enjoyed your style: you seem to place the exactly sufficient number of words and level of detailing everywhere, the text flaws beautifully and it's dynamic. And I liked that line about Eonwe being punched in the face! I actually laughed out loud, it seemed so out of place - but it worked.

All in all, I'm really glad I stumbled upon this fic!

One last thing: I've had a look on your review-list (the one you posted on your profile) and I guess I'll check some of these authors out when I have the time! :) I think this is very important to mention because reviewers - in general - are underrated. Kudos to you for doing this!

Have a great day/evening/anything else,


Thank you very much!

I'm really glad that the way I chose to handle Amrod and Amras's deaths worked for you. It seemed to me that those deaths would have affected Maedhros profoundly, but at the same time he didn't really have time to think about them, at that stage.

Maedhros--that is, my take on Maedhros--is not entirely sane anymore, after all he's been through (but I don't at all mean to imply he's completely insane, either), as well as deeply disturbed by the situation. So his thoughts are spinning and a little out of control. I'm glad you like his perspective! Canon does say that the letters the Sons of Feanor wrote to Elwing were friendly (or at least intended to be so), so I feel his reactions are not entirely uncanonical.

I have to confess that that short switch to Elwing's perspective was all I could cope with! If someone else wants to write a remix of this scene from Elwing's perspective they'd be welcome to, of course. Fics describing the encounter between the Sons of Feanor and Elwing from Elwing's perspective do exist.

Good to hear the bit about Eonwe worked, too, as I had intended!

And I'm delighted that my review list is going to be of use. This is an older rec list. Quite a lot of different rec lists for various types of fan works were posted to this year's B2MeM on livejournal, by various participants, so that might be worth investigating as well, if you're interested: http://b2mem.livejournal.com/tag/format%3Arec%20list


I love the way you place the Third Kinslaying in the context of the entire First Age. It's not just about Elwing or the Silmaril or the Oath; it's also about Doriath and Aqualonde and the Nirnaeth and the centuries of war and loss - all the pressures of the First Age coming down here. It's so effective and true to Tolkien's epic.

I also found the 'Amrod lies at the gates, Amras lies at the market square' refrain very effective. You make their deaths a moving and present fact, and I admire how economically you do it - no long death scenes, just a sad chorus. Elrond's appearance at the end is well-done, too. Maedhros, of course, is a mess; you bring out the conflict in him very well.

And you have me thinking it would be scary to be yelled at by Maedhros ... (I felt sorry for Amrod and Amras, though I realized that inasmuch as they were advocating kinslaying, they probably didn't deserve it.)

Thanks for sharing this story! It's an excellent look at the Third Kinslaying.

Thank you very much! I'm glad you think it's a convincing look at the Third Kinslaying!

Yes, "all the pressures of the First Age coming down here"--that was exactly what I was driving at.

I'm pretty sure it would be scary to be yelled at by Maedhros. Especially by my Maedhros. Because my Maedhros practically never even lifts his voice...