Praying for Lightning by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Using some Quenya names (Arafinwe=Finarfin, Feanaro=Feanor, Findarato=Finrod Felagund, Findekano=Fingon, Maitimo=Maedhros, Turukano-Turgon).

Fanwork Information


A bit of pillow-talk between Maedhros and Fingon, framing memories of Araman, the Helcaraxe and Mithrim.

Fingon has to struggle to re-define himself twice, once when he learns what was really going on at Alqualonde, the second time when he realizes that their deepening love means that Maedhros and he have become mutually irreplaceable to each other and what that might entail. Each time, Maedhros turns out to be part of the solution as well as part of the problem.

P.S. In the last update I changed the title, summary and notes. No changes to story.

Major Characters: Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 935
Posted on 27 February 2010 Updated on 27 February 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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Using Quenya names, mostly (Maitimo/Russandol=Maedhros, Macalaure=Maglor, Turukano=Turgon, Feanaro=Feanor, Arafinwe=Finarfin, Findarato=Finrod Felagund, Findekano=Fingon)

Comments on Praying for Lightning

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Wonderful!  What a sensitive portrait of Findekano's conflicting feelings as he tries to sort out his past and realizes how much his love for Maitimo makes all that not count.   You've rendered all these characters very personally.  I really get the anger and sense of betrayal from Nolofinwë when he has the look on his face, look what Feanaro did. And good portrayal of how everyone jumps at the inhuman force of Feanaro's anger.  The image of Findarato holding the frozen woman is very well done too and I love that it melts into a vision of Kano holding Maitimo.  I love the way you describe him watching Maitimo as he sleeps and the last paragraph is heartbreakingly sensual.  "He makes a small sound; it might be a laugh or a sob. I feel his arm tighten almost convulsively around me, his fingers closing in my hair. He lowers his head and I feel his lips hard and urgent against the skin above my collarbone. His need matches mine. I clasp him against my chest, lean backwards and draw him down on top of me."

Lovely.  I also really liked these lines:

Maitimo’s body resembles a parchment with Morgoth’s handwriting on it
It ought to be a happy feeling and mostly it is, as I if I were being lightly dipped in gold.
‘Rationality resides in your clothes?’

Lovely fic.


Thank you so much, Elfscribe! What a lovely surprise to get a review for this story now, just when a bit of encouragement is particularly welcome because I'm very much stuck in the middle of several WIPs at once.  And especially one like this!

I'm glad the description of Findekano's feelings works for you. You've picked out my own favourite lines! I will feel less self-indulgent about liking them myself now.