The Bird In A Cage by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

The title alludes to Eol's speech to Turgon in the Silmarillion, in which he accurately diagnoses Aredhel's feelings about Gondolin, but ironically refuses to acknowledge that she was equally imprisoned in Nan Elmoth.

Part II was posted on LiveJournal in three separate pieces in March this year, so these chapters can be read on their own, if preferred.

Various pieces of the story were written during B2MeM 2012, covering the following prompts: women of the House of Finwe, women of Gondolin, passing the Bechdel test (women of the Silmarillion); plain (landscape), calm (weather), archery (skill).

This story is part of my Maedhros saga. As such it is implicitly Maedhros/Fingon (unrequited in this period). This is not explicitly addressed in the story.


!Name confusion: Aikanaro=Aegnor, Angarato=Angrod, Artaresto=Orodreth; Findekano=Fingon; Irisse=Aredhel; Itarille=Idril;  Lomion=Maeglin; Maitimo (Russandol, Nelyo)=Maedhros; Pityo=Amrod;  Telvo=Amras; Turukano=Turgon; Turko=Celegorm. [Some of these are the Quenya equivalents, others are nicknames.]

Fanwork Information


Of the House of Finwe, Aredhel may be the one who most values personal freedom--and nevertheless we see her spending long periods confined: first to Gondolin, then to Nan Elmoth. This is a story about Aredhel's choices.

Part I is the story of her last meeting with her cousin Maedhros before she departed for Gondolin, Part II deals with later events in Vinyamar, Gondolin and Nan Elmoth.

Includes vignettes of Aredhel and Maedhros in Valinor, glimpses of Turgon, and Maedhros's thoughts on a number of matters, including Losgar.

Major Characters: Amrod, Aredhel, Fingon, Idril, Maedhros, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 8 Word Count: 7, 214
Posted on 2 November 2012 Updated on 2 November 2012

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Setting: Hithlum

Characters: Fingon, Turgon

Maedhros unexpectedly meets Aredhel at a horse fair in Ard-galen.

Why didn't she say she was coming and why doesn't she want to buy that horse?

Some things don't get said, but a great deal is remembered.

...throws some light on Aredhel's motives.

Aredhel departs--but some things get said after all, at the very last minute.

Aredhel leaves Vinyamar.

Letters: (i) Fingon to Maedhros. (ii) Aredhel to Maedhros.

Aredhel and Idril in Gondolin.

An unexpected visitor and a decision.

Comments on The Bird In A Cage

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It's beautiful. I love that it is Maedhros and Aredhel who are thrown together under such difficult circumstances. I love the delicate dance you lead them through. They could have, should have, ought to have been close. The have a lot in common--trapped by circumstances. One more tragedy in the long list of those of the Finweans.

Thank you very much, Oshun!

I do think Maedhros and Aredhel could have been close. She seems to have been friends with all the Sons of Feanor in Valinor. That could just mean that she went hunting with all seven of them in a group, but it could also mean that she was close to others among them besides Celegorm.

Of course, everything that happened afterwards would have conspired to keep Aredhel and Maedhros apart. But they have a lot in common, in some ways, as you say!