Sunrise Before I Ever Saw the Sun by Himring
Fanwork Notes
The stories are rated for general audiences unless stated otherwise.
They are posted in order of writing, not in chronological order of the events described.
The over-all title quotes a sentence in my story Looking At the Stars and Counting the Hours: "when you first illuminated my life, when I came to your house as a lonely child, it was like the first sunrise, long before I ever saw the Sun".
For the "Living Land" challenge (as tagged), see "The Outer Sea" and the comment in the end notes to that story.
"The Sudden Pain of Silence" was written for B2MeM 2018.
"The Bear Incident" was submitted for the Teen Spirit Challenge (see chapter note on prompt).
Bedtime Story was originally posted as the second chapter of More.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Scenes featuring Maedhros and Fingon in Valinor, set during the Years of the Trees. Now added: "The Bear Incident". Major Characters: Celegorm, Fingon, Maedhros, Orodreth Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: B2MeM 2018, Living Land, Teen Spirit Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 4, 808 |
Posted on 30 December 2011 | Updated on 8 August 2018 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
At the end of a difficult day in the Feanorian household.
Using Quenya names (Carnistir=Caranthir, Findekano=Fingon, Macalaure=Maglor,Tyelkormo=Celegorm). Also: Atar=Feanor, Amil=Nerdanel.
Maedhros teaches Fingon about the meaning of words, but the teacher is not always wiser than the student...
Young Fingon starts lessons with Maedhros.
Between two trips, Maedhros returns to Tirion, eagerly awaited by young Findekano. At first, it is not entirely a success.
Fingon's POV
Warnings: none
First posted written and posted to the b2mem community on LiveJournal for the B2MeM 2013 prompt (Day 19, O): "Fëanor and his sons abode seldom in one place for long, but travelled far and wide upon the confines of Valinor, going even to the borders of the Dark and the cold shores of the Outer Sea, seeking the unknown".
In Beleriand, Maedhros and Fingon look back on the time when Maedhros was in exile in Formenos while Fingon remained in Tirion.
Written as a gift for Oshun, for her birthday
Rating: Teens
The first conversation between Fingon and Maedhros after Feanor and his sons return from one of their journeys
A second story prompted by the quotation:"Fëanor and his sons abode seldom in one place for long, but travelled far and wide upon the confines of Valinor, going even to the borders of the Dark and the cold shores of the Outer Sea, seeking the unknown".
Rating: General
Any active boy is quite liable to give his elders grey hairs (in the case of Elves, metaphorical only).
Fingon the Valiant more so than most.
Written for Oshun's Snowflake Challenge 2015 request for Day 2 (revised version)
Maedhros and Fingon had found each other easy to talk to.
But then...
Dedicated to ziggy
Rating: Teens
Quenya names used: Maitimo=Maedhros, Findekano=Fingon.
On prompts, see end notes.
Among the Noldor in Valinor, the first subtle signs of discord fomented by Melkor have arisen. There was a troubling incident in a public space in Tirion and neither Feanor nor those he clashed with seemed quite their usual selves. Maedhros, who was present and had tried to defuse the situation, has sensed this, but is finding it difficult to pin down what has changed, let alone guess what caused the change.
In the aftermath of the incident, Maedhros and Fingon retreat to a nearby park.
A short scene between the two.
Rated Teens for some angst and the canonical background
Celegorm and Fingon escape into the mountains, on a dare.
Maedhros finds out and follows to keep them out of trouble, but the one who gets into most trouble is himself.
Or: how Celegorm found out he could talk to animals.
Cheekily submitted for the Teen Spirit challenge for the prompt: Conflict: thirst for adventure.
(Yes, cheating was definitely involved. I confess I wanted that prompt and went on rolling until I got it.)
The central plot idea is stolen from Dawn's Felakverse, but what I did with it is not compatible with the rest of Another Man's Cage.
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