Sunrise Before I Ever Saw the Sun by Himring

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The Sudden Pain of Silence

Maedhros and Fingon had found each other easy to talk to.
But then...

Dedicated to ziggy

Rating: Teens

Quenya names used: Maitimo=Maedhros, Findekano=Fingon.

On prompts, see end notes.

He loved to hear his cousin speak. When Maitimo pulled down a book from the shelves and began to explain, their world seemed to gain depth, sing in subtler shades of colour. It was even better when Findekano discovered he could answer. Maitimo would listen patiently, as he spoke, and help unravel his thought.

Maitimo was not just family but a friend. They drew together, exchanging whispered comments and support, when routine was boring or when another crisis hit.

Then Feanor’s sword touched Fingolfin’s throat. Maitimo and Findekano cried out in a single voice, exchanged glances and found themselves divided.


Chapter End Notes

Tolkien Weekly prompts: Vocalizations: speak, whisper, cry. [100 words in MS Word.]

B2MeM prompts:

Initial prompt no. 11: The song of Fingon Elves yet sing,
captain of armies, Gnomish king,
who fell at last in flame of swords
with his white banners and his lords.
(The Lay of Leithian)

Daily prompt March 3:
And the music and the echo of the music went out into the Void, and it was not void. Never since have the Ainur made any music like to this music, though it has been said that a greater still shall be made before Ilúvatar by the choirs of the Ainur and the Children of Ilúvatar after the end of days. (The Silmarillion, “Ainulindale”)

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