Down. Out. Up. by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


What I was not going to write, but did:


Down.   What Maedhros thought as he jumped.


Out. Up. Fingon takes Maedhros home to Tirion after his reincarnation. Finarfin insists on confronting him.  Told from different points of view (Fingon, Finarfin and, briefly, Maedhros).


Now illustrated by Alasse!

Major Characters: Finarfin, Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Suicide, Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 3 Word Count: 6, 097
Posted on 27 March 2010 Updated on 30 October 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents


In the following, Maedhros hears Elrond ("a boy") calling him in his mind, but does not recognize that that is what he is hearing. This incident and the walk in the forest with Elrond that Maedhros remembers are told from Elrond's view in A Walk in the Forest, an Evening by the Fire.

Macalaure is Maglor's Quenya name.


The story of how Fingon finds the newly reborn Maedhros in the Gardens of Lorien is told at the end of Looking at the Stars and Counting the Hours. Maedhros has meanwhile followed Fingon to Tirion.

Quenya names: Feanaro=Feanor, Findekano=Fingon, Macalaure=Maglor, Maitimo=Maedhros, Turukano=Turgon.


Maedhros braiding Fingon's hair, re-learning the use of his right hand.

(A scene in Out. Up.)

As the description implies, most of the warnings attached to the story itself don't apply. (Not explicitly slash, either.)


Comments on Down. Out. Up.

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Wonderful, again. And very original.

First the disintegration of Maedhros's self as he falls, then Finarfin's qualms (I had never even begun to consider Finarfin's role -or lack of- in the final moments)and then these marvelous lines :

Death seemed much safer. But Findekano wants me here, and I have always made exceptions for Findekano. So I consent to exist, for his sake, and every day it becomes a little easier.

Also this feeling Maitimo has that everything is thinning, that things and people are almost transparent at this late age.

Will you show Macalaure returning? I hope so. (he deserves it after all he has gone through, doesn't he?  :)



I'm so glad you liked this! Especially those lines. As for Finarfin, in my story A Long Time Falling the mere idea of having to face Finarfin after all that happened in Beleriand sends Maedhros into a panic with fatal consequences--although he wouldn't dream of mentioning that to his uncle when he finally sees him again. And yes, Maglor definitely deserves to return--I'm just not sure whether I can manage to write about him doing it!