Unrepentant Lovers by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

SWG B2MeM 2010 Doors of Night Challenge: Your character has a chance to change a single event in his or her past, but doing such will forever alter the future. What will your character choose? What would they change, if anything?

Fanwork Information


Very short, less than 500 words, in which Fingon and Maedhros discuss regrets or lack thereof on the night before they last separate to prepare their own hosts and allies for the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. 2010 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards Nominee

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Fanon Inverted

Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 447
Posted on 29 March 2010 Updated on 29 March 2010

This fanwork is complete.

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Summary: Fingon and Maedhros discuss regrets or lack thereof on the night before they last separate to prepare their own hosts and allies for the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Comments on Unrepentant Lovers

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I love this, Oshun. I do absolutely revel in these times and conversations between Maedhros and Fingon; they are so insightful and so deep. Fingon's spirit is seen so very strongly in this : light tone relating to deadly serious matters. Yet I understand that; sometimes matters are so weighted with potential disaster, (and this *matter* falls so heavily on Maedhros' shoulders) that to give them that one sometimes has to banter.

Fingon always feels as if he is trying to lift Maedhros, to keep his spirit up, and it comes across as empathic and deeply loving. 

Gorgeous piece and thank you for posting it. 

 I love the conversations between your Fingon and Maedhros.  Bold and bright Fingon may speak in what appears to be a flippant manner, but he so often carries weight in his words.  For example... 

"Obviously, I would not change any of those," Fingon answered, his voice exploding with passion. "I have struggled through some miserable valleys, but the views from the mountaintops have been stupendous. Wait! I can think of one thing I'd do differently. I should have taken your advice at dinner tonight and had the ale you recommended and left the red wine alone. After all this is over, we will have look into ways to provide you with better wine in this Valar-forsaken location."

Fingon is such a passionate appealing character.  Indeed you have crafted him as Maedhros' light, one that I find satisfyingly illuminating.


Oh! Thank you! I could not resist those lines from that poem.

I read a fic once where Maedhros is strong-arming/brow-beating Fingon against his will and better judgment to participate in the N.A. I'm not saying it couldn't be written convincingly, but I have never seen anything in the texts that made me want to write Fingon that way. I guess I am repeating what I often say that most of my fanfiction is either a polemic against the original canon sources or fic I have read.

I thought I'd leave my MEFA review of this fic here.

There have been many fanfic characterizations of Maedhros and Fingon, but, for me, Oshun's depiction of their passionate relationship amidst the politics of their extended families, is, by far, my favorite. I'm always happy to see more of them and so this little morsel was a treat. In addition, Oshun often begins a story with a wonderfully poetic quote and this one by Rupert Brooke fit the scene beautifully. The scene takes place the night before the lovers separate to fight the terrible Battle of Unnumbered Tears and it's a quiet moment of reflection before the storm in which Maedhros asks Fingon if he would change anything about their lives. It attains poignancy through gentle humor as well as a certain acceptance of what has been and what will be, which made it very satisfying for this fan.

