Like a Shadow of Shifting Silver by Kimberleighe

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Fanwork Notes

The title is taken from Conrad Aiken's poem "The House of Dust" (Part One, VI).  I cannot deny the inspiration that this collection of poems has lent to this, especially the following lines in regards to the Noldor.


Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! We go our ways,

The rain runs over the pavement before our feet,

The cold rain falls, the rain sings.

We walk, we run, we ride. We turn our faces

To what the eternal evening brings.

Our hands are hot and raw with the stones we have laid,

We have built a tower of stone high into the sky,

We have built a city of towers.

Our hands are light, they are singing with emptiness.

Our souls are light; they have shaken a burden of hours . . .

What did we build it for? Was it all a dream? . . .

Ghostly above us in lamplight the towers gleam . . .

And after a while they will fall to dust and rain;

Or else we will tear them down with impatient hands;

And hew rock out of the earth, and build them again.

--Excerpt from "House of Dust, part One, I"


Many B2MeM12 prompts may be fulfilled within.  I plan to list them all here.


Write what you know: A character you have something in common with // A character you dislike.

Women of the Silmarillion: Sisters & sisters-in-law // Women of the House of Finwë.

Relationship: Same-sex relationship // jealousy

First Lines: "The towers of -- aspired above the morning mist; austere towers of steel, cement and limestone, sturdy as cliffs and delicate as silver rods" (Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt).


Fanwork Information


The backstory to Waiting for the Thunder.  A story of Anairë and Fingolfin.


Chapter 9 posted!  As the Games grow closer, there's tension rising among the Eldar.


Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen, Fëanor, Finarfin, Findis, Fingolfin, Finwë, Indis, Maedhros, Nerdanel, Noldor, Olwë, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Drama, General, Het, Romance, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 32, 815
Posted on 18 March 2012 Updated on 20 June 2017

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Hail to pandemonium_213 for grammar corrections & input. 

Huge thanks to surgicalsteel, scarlet and pandemonium_213!


Continued thanks to surgicalsteel and scarlet for their help and support!

Credit to elfscribe, pandemonium and oshun for their suggestions and support!

Thanks to the LC for their help, as always!


Huge thanks to elfscribe for feedback and suggestions! 

Summary: The group travels to Alqualondë, and enjoys some friendly competition.

Summary: There's tension among the Eldar as the Games grow closer.

Thanks to klose, mollyapple and oshun for looking this over!

It only took 5 years to post this...

Comments on Like a Shadow of Shifting Silver

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Thank you!  I had misgivings at first, but it just fit!  Your comments and encouragement are to be blamed for this end result (blamed in a good way, of course!). 


I found Aiken by accident, and I am in awe of his poems.  The way he draws a theme and image throughout a collection is fantastic!  *swoons with!*

Really enjoyed each scene in this chapter...

Long and flimsy banners of sheer grey linen curled in the wind between the columns.  When Anairë had been a child, she had run among them, smiling at the soft touch-kisses the material had pressed to her cheeks.  Now, she pushed them aside carelessly.

Oooooh, nice!  This is a great example of your talent for taking a simple material object, like a curtain, and turning it into something meaningful.  Brava!

Excellent portrayal of Ana's indignation at Nolo's undermining her.  Really felt her frustration and I could identify with her.

And the wrestling scene?  OMG.  That is hot!  Fantastic work with ratcheting up the sexual tension between them

I like it a lot. It is vibrantly alive and feels true and authentic to me and is filled with youth and promise (which like most Silm fics makes it poignantly bittersweet in light of our knowledge of the future of this charming couple). I really am growing to like Anairë and Fingolfin more and more with every chapter.