Crossroads by Gwanath Dagnir
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Of Elros and Elrond growing up in the First Age during the War of Wrath. Chapter 1: circa 562 F.A. - the long winning streak of Finarfin's renowned Liberators comes to an end when an orc raid does not go according to plan, and the twins must accept a new path Chapter 2: circa 546 F.A. - winds of change reach the Feanorians' remote encampment in Ossiriand, and an unexpected messenger brings news from Valinor Chapter 3: circa 567 F.A. - years have passed since the Peredhil assumed their new role, when an unexpected detour brings them closer to familiar territory Chapter 4: circa 547, F.A. - Finarfin has an ultimatum if the Feanorians wish to retain a place in his host during the Great War to come
Major Characters: Elros, Elrond Major Relationships: Elrond & Elros Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 12, 713 |
Posted on 29 September 2024 | Updated on 31 December 2024 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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The War of Wrath lasted 40-some years. Earendil's sons were born 532 and would have been 13 years old when the Hosts of Valinor came to aid Middle-earth. Tolkien's elves physically age very slowly, being considered adults at 50 and full-grown at 100. I propose the twins matured faster than full-blooded elves, but far slower than full-blooded men, being about half-grown at 30.
This chapter chronologically precedes the first.
::flashback fingers::
takes place 5 years after chapter 1
(Mind the story dates - this chapter takes place in the past)
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Gwanath Dagnir has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Description/Imagery, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.