To Hold the Future in My Hand by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

Inspired by the image prompt GREAT BARRIER REEF ECHINODERMS:19th century illustration titled GREAT BARRIER REEF ECHINODERMS


Fanwork Information


Arafin seeks Elulindo's aid for a quest which will take them far to the south to waters filled with wonders he has never before seen.

Major Characters: Elulindo, Finarfin

Major Relationships: Elulindo & Finarfin

Genre: General

Challenges: Bestiary of Arda

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 729
Posted on 28 May 2023 Updated on 28 May 2023

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Elulindo was a son of Olwë in an early version of the legendarium.

Comments on To Hold the Future in My Hand

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Oh this is magical and marvellous! So many wonderful details: using the 'traditional' swan-drawn ships (Arafin's nervousness about the trip is so sweet), singing the oysters open (amazing idea)... And that end took me by surprise and is adorable. Aw I'm smiling so much after reading this 🥰

Gorgeous image of the swan boat in its original form. I love the idea of the Feanorian lights being used for pearl diving and undersea exploration. And look at Feanor being helpful in more ways than one! Happier times. I did not expect the lovely ending! Delightful :).

The more I explored this idea the more little thoughts came like oooh using the lamps for diving!  That actually was one of the first details I came up with, even though much of the rest of the fic changed drastically from my initial idea.  

And yes, I think this is still before Melkor was released so perhaps not nearly the level of strife that the Finweans rose to in later years.  Feanor might have been coaxed to be a tad more helpful, at least to his youngest brother. 😉

Aw, this is so sweet!

I love the small details, like the boat being drawn by swans, singing the oysters open, and Feanor not liking doing things for his little brother but unable to resist the stroking of his ego. I had some idea once I realized Arafinwë was after a pearl where he was going with it, but I wasn't sure until the very end.

Aaaawwww. I love that. I love Elulindo being all eager to help (has he been watching them all the time and been like ’will you get a move on?!’?). I love how Arafin is really taking much upon himself to bring that ring into existance. A true symbol of what Eärwen means to him. 
But oh, Fëanor making the ring has potential for even more heartbreak once all takes a turn for the worst. :( (even more so in my imagination, because I always headcanoned Elulindo falling on the Fëanorians hands.)

Ahh, the reefs off of Valinor must be magnificent! Arafin almost forgetting why they're there in the first place is very cute, and I can't blame him! This is such a wonderful story. I loved the glimpse of Uinen and Osse dancing on the shore in the starlight.