This Is Growing Up by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

I got the following from the random prompt generator:

Conflict: thirst for adventure
Themes: escape
Stock characters: annoying siblings

How well I did with it I leave to the reader to decide.

Fanwork Information


Artanis reflects as she faces the choice of whether to cross the Helcaraxë or return to Tirion.

Major Characters: Eärwen, Galadriel

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Teen Spirit

Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 310
Posted on 11 August 2018 Updated on 11 August 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on This Is Growing Up

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This was not rebellion, it was escape.

Oooh! That's an interesting additional motivation for Galadriel. It makes sense, though - the Noldorin remnant probably have to stick to the rules especially closely - no wonder that Galadriel prefers the hope of freedom.

I really like this piece. I especially like how the crossing of the Helcaraxë is shownn to be a big choice. The source material tends to gloss over important events so quickly that you forget the very human decision making behind it all. In a book like the Silm, it’s easy for everything to feel so... set in stone, like the path that was taken is the only one. This story reminded me it’s never that simple.

Even if Artanis is pretty set in her decision, I feel like most docs don’t even acknowledge that it was in fact a choice, a very difficult choice that had to be made by everyone left behind.

I also really like the title. I don’t have much more to say about it, I just think it fits the story and also kind of stands alone as a theme.

I have a very minor constructive criticism, it’s really just my opinion and it’s up to you whether or not you agree. I think that the final line might be better if it was split into two sentences(thus reading,”This was not rebellion. It was escape.”) That was how my mind naturally wanted to read it, and I think it makes the thought feel a little more final.  But of course, completely up to you. Just an idea...

As another commentor has said, I like the additional motivation for Galadriel. It feels very fitting to her character.